Games played in stem club and modern games
Games played in stem The past couple of weeks in stem club we have so far played educational games, challenges and team games. For example we have played multiple and factor games(Cambridge university challenge),Card game, and square making game. These games have helped us work together as a team and understand the concept of the challenges. We have so far played in teams year 8 and year 7 vs year 9 we have also played team a vs team b.
Principles and rules of the games The have certain rules that we must abide by the multiple and factor game works when you pick a number and have to find a multiple or factor of that number and then you work out the multiple and factor of that number this is repeated until you cant find a multiple or factor of the number. The square game is a game where you must join lines and make a square however possible. This is a multiplayer game.
How it has helped me? These games have helped me so far by improving my math skills, understanding skills and my reaction. It has been fun and interesting as well as me socialising with my friends. These are some of the things so far that I have done in stem club.