Workforce Continuing Education FTE and Enrollment Trends Annual Years – 2012, 2013, 2014 DRAFT REPORT For more information, contact: Barbara or Margaret or
Workforce Continuing Education FTE and Enrollment Trends Table of Contents Trend by Budget Codes Trends by Program Area Codes Trends by Course Titles College Reports Tier Funding Data References The data found in this document comes from custom statistical reports exported from the NCCCS Data Warehouse on March 12, Enrollment and FTE figures may vary among tables due to queries used to develop the reports and/or from the rounding-off of numbers. The purpose of this document is to provide community college staff with an overview of the types of reports used by System Office staff to analyze FTE and enrollment trends. The information contained in this document is not official and is not intended to replace any official source. 2
TRENDS BY BUDGET CODES Workforce Continuing Education 3
Trends by Budget Codes College 2011 FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE Change in FTE 2012 to Occupational Extension Note: Annual FTE = Reporting Terms (Spring + Summer + Fall) (Table Structure) Table Heading Filter 3-Year Trend Analysis Change Analysis 4
Trends by Budget Codes College 2013 FTE Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Occupational Extension 2 2 Note: 2013 Annual FTE = (Spring Summer Fall 2013) (Table Structure) Term by Term Analysis 1 1 Annual FTE 5
Trends by Budget Codes College 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 FTE Change in FTE 2013 to 2014 Statewide 29, , , , Occupational Extension 6 Total Change-2, Percentage Change from % Average Change Spike Year2012 Number Colleges with Increases13 Number Colleges with Decreases45
Trends by Budget Codes Occupational Extension 7 Highest FTE Growth Growth% Change Pitt CC % Southwestern CC % Roanoke Chowan CC % Isothermal CC % College of the Albemarle % Sampson CC % Highest FTE Decline Growth% Change Lenoir CC1, , , % Central Carolina CC % Cape Fear CC % Blue Ridge CC % Forsyth TCC % Coastal Carolina CC %
Trends by Budget Codes Occupational Extension 8 Highest Percentage Gain Growth% Change Roanoke Chowan CC % Isothermal CC % Tri-County CC % Pitt CC % Pamlico CC % College of the Albemarle % Highest Percentage Drop Growth% Change James Sprunt CC % Martin CC % Blue Ridge CC % Western Piedmont CC % Central Carolina CC % Cape Fear CC %
Trends by Budget Codes College 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 FTE Change in FTE 2013 to 2014 Statewide 19, , , , Basic Skills 9 Total Change-3, Percentage Change from % Average Change Spike Year2011 Number Colleges with Increases1 Number Colleges with Decreases57
Trends by Budget Codes Basic Skills 10 FTE Growth? Growth% Change Southwestern CC % Haywood CC % Edgecombe CC % Tri-County CC % Wilkes CC % Brunswick CC % FTE Decline Growth% Change Wake TCC1, , , % Guilford TCC1, , % Central Piedmont CC1, , , % Fayetteville TCC1, , % Central Carolina CC % Forsyth TCC %
Trends by Budget Codes Basic Skills 11 Low Percentage Change Growth% Change Haywood CC % Edgecombe CC % Wilkes CC % Brunswick CC % Sampson CC % Mayland CC % Highest Percentage Drop Growth% Change James Sprunt CC % Rockingham CC % Blue Ridge CC % Johnston CC % Wilson CC % Cleveland CC %
Trends by Budget Codes Call to Action: Check with your college president to review your estimated budget FTE for fiscal year
Critical Research Questions 13 1.What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in my FTE figures? 2.Will those factors still exist during the next year? 3.How will I benchmark by target FTE for ? 4.How do I develop SMART goals to meet my targets? SMART stands for S pecific, M eaningful and Measurable, A greed to and Attainable, R eality-based, and T imely.
TRENDS BY PROGRAM AREA CODES Workforce Continuing Education 14
Trends by Program Area Codes 15 College FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) Basic Skills19, , , , ,698351,398252,001-99,397 Health Occupations6, , , ,30746,43343,598-2,835 EMS4, , , ,987147,525141,562-5,963 Criminal Justice2, , , ,547227,620217,644-9,976 Fire & Rescue Services3, , , ,392159,437155,249-4,188 HRD3, , , ,335134,969107,148-27,821 Service Occupations1, , , ,7009,7128,509-1,203 Industrial/Manufacturing1, , , ,17210,72010, Construction1, , , ,5629,5878, Community Service1, , , ,93763,77059,634-4,136 Self-Support Occupational1, , , ,85461,08356,915-4,168 Business1, , ,89021,56317,943-3,620 Computer Training ,78918,27914,782-3,497 Agri/Natural Resources ,9732,8062, BLET Driver Training , Auto Maintenance/Repair ,4201,3371, Early Childhood/Teacher ,7195,8805, Government Regulations ,3936,4306, Motor Vehicle/DMV ,28612,00712, Foreign Languages ,2722,6882, Aircraft Systems Emergency Management ,5354,1624,25189 Energy-Related Continuing Education Total 32, , , , ,001991,719929,995-61,724
Trends by Program Area Codes 16
Trends by Program Area Codes: Health 17 Analysis Total Colleges % Total FTEs Increase in FTE:1119%47.56 Decrease in FTE:4781% o Greater than o Between o Less than Trends: Health is the program area that generates the highest FTE. There were 47 colleges (81%) who saw a decrease in FTE in this area. This program area has been trending downward over the last 4 years. Labor market data project this area to be the fastest growing occupational cluster. Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? Where is the disconnect between the demand for training and the decline in FTE and enrollment? FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) 6, , , ,30746,43343,598-2,835
Trends by Program Area Codes: Public Safety 18 Trends: Traditionally, Public Safety has been the program area with the largest percentage of total FTE. In 2014, the Public Safety cluster only represented 20% of the total statewide FTEs. Fire/Rescue FTE has been trending downward over the last 4 years. Conversations regarding the training needs of public safety agencies to include the instructional delivery methods is a “hot topic” conversation at the state and local level. Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? How do we maintain the rigor, relevance, and quality of training for public safety agencies. Program Area FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) EMS4, , , ,987147,525141,562-5,963 Criminal Justice2, , , ,547227,620217,644-9,976 Fire & Rescue3, , , ,392159,437155,249-4,188
Trends by Program Area Codes: Transportation 19 Trends: The FTE for both Driver Training and Aircraft System have doubled. Motor Vehicle/DMV has relatively low FTE as compared to the enrollment. Auto Maintenance/Repair is on a downward trend. Labor market data project this area to be the fastest growing occupational cluster. Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? How do we maintain the rigor, relevance, and quality of training for public safety agencies. Program Area FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) Driver Training , Auto Maint/Repair ,4201,3371, Motor Veh/DMV ,28612,00712, Aircraft Systems
Trends by Program Area Codes: Driver Training 20 Trends: This program area has been trending upward over the last 4 years. Labor market data project this area to be the fastest growing occupational cluster. Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? Where is the disconnect between the demand for training and the decline in FTE and enrollment? College FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) Caldwell CC and TI Sampson CC Nash CC Isothermal CC Surry CC Gaston College Carteret CC Cape Fear CC Mitchell CC Davidson County CC
TRENDS BY COURSE TITLES Workforce Continuing Education 21
Trends by Course Titles 22 Course IDCourse Title FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) NUR3240Nurse Aide Level I ,86311,3999,782-1,617 EMS3044EMT Basic: Initial ,6354,7894, EMS3031EMT Paramedic: Initial ,6681,7061, HRD3001HRD Employability Skills ,80828,92024,098-4,822 CJC3952Mandated In-Service Training ,267126,650125,385-1,265 MED3300Medical Assisting ,8022,1011, COS3201Cosmetology ,0291, WLD3106Welding ,4532,8082,84234 MLA3022Phlebotomy ,9851,8051, Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? Where is the disconnect between the demand for training and the decline in FTE and enrollment?
Trends by Course Titles - Health 23 Course IDCourse Title FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) NUR3240Nurse Aide Level I2, , , ,86311,3999,782-1,617 MED3300Medical Assisting ,8022,1011, MLA3022Phlebotomy ,9851,8051, NUR3241Nurse Aide Level II ,3941,4101, PHM3250Pharmacy Technician ,8221,7881, MED3030Healthcare Billing and Coding ,6621,4691, HEA3021Massage Therapy OSC3608Health Unit Coordinator MED3006Medical Office Assistant , PSF3100Sports Medicine Technology NUR3267ECG Monitor Technician PHM4100Medication Aide Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? Where is the disconnect between the demand for training and the decline in FTE and enrollment?
Trends by Course Titles – Nurse Aide I 24 Course IDCourse Title FTE 2012 FTE 2013 FTE 2014 Change in FTE (2013 to 2014) Enrollment 2012 Enrollment 2013 Enrollment 2014 Change in Enrollment (2013 to 2014) NUR3240Nurse Aide Level I2, , ,86311,3999,782-1,617 Critical Research Questions: What factors (internal and external) impacted the change in FTE and enrollment figures? Where is the disconnect between the demand for training and the decline in FTE and enrollment? Analysis Total Colleges % Total FTEs Increase in FTE:1018%51.38 Decrease in FTE:4782% o Greater than o Between o Less than Trends: Nurse Aide I generates the highest FTE of all course offerings. There were 47 colleges (82%) who saw a decrease in FTE in this area. This program area has been trending downward over the last 4 years. Labor market data project this area to be the fastest growing occupational cluster.
COLLEGE REPORTS Workforce Continuing Education 25
College Reports – Program Mix 26
College Reports – Program Mix 27
College Reports – Program Mix 28
College Reports – Program Mix 29
College Reports – Program Mix 30
College Reports – Program Mix 31
College Reports – Program Mix 32
College Reports – Program Mix 33
PROGRAM ANALYSIS – SAMPLE QUESTIONS Workforce Continuing Education 34
Sample Tools and Resources Page 35 Colleague Base Reports XCESStatistical Report providing estimated FTE data and registration numbers XCLSStatus Report providing course status information to include ‘graded’, ‘late’ or ‘canceled’ Informer Reports Custom reports that pull from ‘live’ Colleague data. Can provide cross views into Course, Student and AR dependent on access.
Program Analysis – Sample Questions Page 36 Broad Category Course Offerings 1.What specific courses do you offer? 2.Do these courses reflect the training needs in your local area? 3.What courses earned the highest and lowest FTE figures? Were they appropriate for the specific course offering? 4.What courses had the highest and lowest enrollment figures? Were they appropriate for the specific course offering? 5.Did enrollment and FTE increase or decrease for the following timeframes? o Reporting Term: Term-over-Term and High/Low Reporting Terms o Reporting Year: Year-to-Year change--- 1-yr, 3-yr, and 5-yr
Program Analysis – Sample Questions Page 37 Broad Category Course Offerings 6.What relational changes occurred between increases/decreases in enrollment and FTE? 7.What factors (internal and external) impact the change in enrollment and FTE figures? Will those factors still exist during the next year? 8.Did the scheduled hours/length of course/time format impact your enrollment and FTE? If yes, what action steps will you take to maintain/increase growth? If not, what action steps will you take to change the situation? 9.How did the occupational extension registration fee structure impact the following: courses offered, class location, enrollment and FTE?
Program Analysis – Sample Questions Page 38 Broad Category Course Offerings 10.Can you identify broad categories to describe your mix of programs and services? 11.What are some specific descriptors within your broad categories? 12.Can you answer the “who, what, and why” questions related to your target audience and the type of courses they take?
TIER FUNDING Workforce Continuing Education 39
Tier Funding Tier Designations A college’s continuing education (OE) budget FTE is categorized into four funding tiers based on the proportion of the college’s actual FTE in each tier. Tier 1A includes FTE in a limited number of continuing education (OE) courses that train students for the exact same third-party certification as curriculum courses in Tier 1A. Tier 1B includes FTE in short ‐ term, workforce continuing education courses that help prepare students for jobs in priority occupations and lead to competency ‐ based industry credentials. Tier 2 includes FTE in other continuing education (OE) courses that are scheduled for 96 hours or more and are mapped to a third-party credential, certification, or industry-designed curriculum Tier 3 includes FTE in all other continuing education (OE) courses. Page 40 Budget FTE Continuing Education (Occupational Extension) budget FTE equals the average of the past two years (spring, summer, and fall) or the latest year, whichever is greater.
Tier Funding Page 41 Allocation Method for FY Each college receives a base continuing education (OE) allocation of $65,501, which represents funding for one instructional unit (or the equivalent of one full-time faculty member). In addition to this base, a college is allocated funding based on tier funding--- Tier Designations Dollar Value Per Budget FTE 1A$4, B$3, $3, $2,724.95