starter activity Detail In 1800 smallpox was one the most feared diseases around. But why did people fear this disease so much?
Reasons why it was so feared Symptoms: fever, headaches, pus-filled blisters Symptoms: fever, headaches, pus-filled blisters Scarring Scarring Treatments, e.g. bleeding, quack remedies Treatments, e.g. bleeding, quack remedies Killed more children than any other disease Killed more children than any other disease No known cure No known cure Affected rich & poor (Elizabeth I) Affected rich & poor (Elizabeth I)
What was so special about Edward Jenner? To find out about early attempts at inoculation To study the life of Edward Jenner To find out why there was son much opposition to vaccination LOs
Your task Read p Explain the term inoculation and note this in your glossary. Read p Explain the term inoculation and note this in your glossary. List the reasons why inoculation didn’t totally solve the problem List the reasons why inoculation didn’t totally solve the problem Extension. Can you think of other examples in history where the privileged were the first benefited from better access to health/medicine? Extension. Can you think of other examples in history where the privileged were the first benefited from better access to health/medicine? Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Problems with inoculation Costly – some doctors exploited this! Costly – some doctors exploited this! Some died from inoculation or became carriers Some died from inoculation or became carriers People refused treatments People refused treatments Why do the people look so concerned in this painting?
Extension task Why do you think Lady Mary was in a good position to help with the development of inoculations. What might have limited her influence? Visit and find the web link on Lady Mary to a Radio 4 programme on her
Extension task Why would Queen Caroline (wife of George IV) have a daughters but not her sons inoculated?
What has a cow got to do with immunology?
Film clip Watch the clip about the life of Edward Jenner and. Watch the clip about the life of Edward Jenner and. Imagine you have been asked to write an epitaph for Jenner’s tomb. Write a brief summary of his achievements Imagine you have been asked to write an epitaph for Jenner’s tomb. Write a brief summary of his achievements Extension. Why might some people challenge’s Jenner’s reputation? Extension. Why might some people challenge’s Jenner’s reputation? Edward Jenner,
Your task Read p and list the factors which helped Jenner make his famous break through. Read p and list the factors which helped Jenner make his famous break through. Note down the similarities with other, earlier ‘medical megastars’. Who did he have most in common with? Note down the similarities with other, earlier ‘medical megastars’. Who did he have most in common with? Extension. Who might oppose Jenner’s ideas and why? Extension. Who might oppose Jenner’s ideas and why?
What helped Jenner make his discoveries? Education – studied under surgeon, John Hunter Education – studied under surgeon, John Hunter Enquiry & attitude – noted down his observations, e.g. milkmaids didn’t develop smallpox; carried out 23 tests; undeterred by criticism Enquiry & attitude – noted down his observations, e.g. milkmaids didn’t develop smallpox; carried out 23 tests; undeterred by criticism Technology – published his ideas (1798); by 1803 USA using vaccination & in 1805 Napoleon vaccinated Fr army Technology – published his ideas (1798); by 1803 USA using vaccination & in 1805 Napoleon vaccinated Fr army Government - £30,000 grant; 1852 compulsory vaccination introduced Government - £30,000 grant; 1852 compulsory vaccination introduced
There has been an outbreak of smallpox across the country. It is likely to strike Folkestone soon. Hold a debate on whether the local council should introduce compulsory vaccinations
What does this cartoon tell us about contemporary reactions to vaccinations?
Extension task Do you think parents should have the right to decide if their children should be vaccinated or not? Do you think parents should have the right to decide if their children should be vaccinated or not? Baby receiving its MMR jab
Plenary Plenary What is the difference between inoculation & vaccination? What is the difference between inoculation & vaccination? Give 3 reasons why Jenner faced so much opposition Give 3 reasons why Jenner faced so much opposition What factors helped in the discovery of a vaccine for smallpox? What factors helped in the discovery of a vaccine for smallpox?
Homework You have been asked to write the entry for a web encyclopaedia entry on Edward Jenner. Write a side of A4 explaining who he was (his life story), who were the early pioneers of immunology (e.g. Lady Mary), how he developed his vaccine, why his work was so important. You have been asked to write the entry for a web encyclopaedia entry on Edward Jenner. Write a side of A4 explaining who he was (his life story), who were the early pioneers of immunology (e.g. Lady Mary), how he developed his vaccine, why his work was so important.