WP 9 (former Task 1b of WP 1): Data infrastructure Robert Huber UNI-HB Esonet 2nd all regions workshop, Paris
ESONET WP9 Data infrastructure Knowledge Base Sensor Registry Sensor Observation Service Data management plan Integration
Task 9a: Data management plan (Lead: Michel Andre [UPC] ) Objectives: Site specific documentation on data management Data management protocol (guide) for ESONET/EMSO Evaluation of demo mission data management: a.Data collection, what data is acquired and in what way has it been processed b.Data QC, what is being done to control the quality of the acquired data c.Data archiving, what preparations are made to preserve the data in the long term d.Data transfer, i.e. who has access to what part of the data and in what format is the data distributed. Results: D70 Updated data management plan
Task 9b: Knowledge base (Lead: Robert Huber [UNI-HB] ) Objectives: General information platform and will serve data from all ESONET institutions and observatories a.Topology of observatories b.Sensor registry c.Data management plan d.Data archive User friendly front-end service on the ESONET website to access the ESONET data infrastructure a.Full text search engine b.Mapping interfaces c.Near real time access to selected demo sites (SOS) Results: Operational ESOMET web data portal D44 ESONET knowledge base
Data portal o Access to archived data Metadata portal Data Warehouse o Distributed system (Open Source panFMP) o Based on Standards (OAI-PMH etc..data m. plan) o Access to Sensor Registry etc. o Access to SOS.(life data) Task 9b: Knowledge base
Data and information portal Task 9b: Knowledge base
Future data portal Task 9b: Knowledge base
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: Sensor Registry (Lead: Eric Delory [dbscale] -> WP2) Objectives: Central catalogue of observatories and sensors User friendly entry interface Data stored in native XML database (eXist) as OGC standard SensorML (XML) OGC CSW (Catalogue Service) as GEOSS interface. Results: Operational Sensor registry D71 ESONET sensor registry
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: Sensor Registry (Lead: Eric Delory [dbscale]) existDB (native XML database) written in Java: Eclipse Ganymede IDE Apache Tomcat 5 Application Server Open Source Java libraries web based
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: Sensor Registry (Lead: Eric Delory [dbscale]) Prototype options: Register a new sensorML Upload an existing sensorML Add a History Add a new Component
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: Sensor Registry (Lead: Eric Delory [dbscale]) Register a new sensorML : Predefined ESONET Obs Sensor type spec. forms Basic sensor description
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: Sensor Registry (Lead: Eric Delory [dbscale]) Upload existing sensorML : Upload XML files from your harddisk
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: Sensor Registry (Lead: Eric Delory [dbscale]) Add History (events)
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: SOS development and implementation (Lead: Thierry Carval [IFREMER] ) Objectives: Sensor Observation Service (SOS) software as interface for sensors and retrieving sensor data. Provide observatories with SOS services which will be used to connect to these observatories and collect their data. Data wrapper tools if necessary Results: Operational SOS D43 Data infrastructure productive version
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: SOS development and implementation (Lead: Thierry Carval [IFREMER] ) SOS: Observation Service Interface Standard OGC (Open Geospatial Cons.) SensorWeb Enablement (SWE). API for managing deployed sensors and retrieving sensor data and specifically “observation” data
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: SOS development and implementation (Lead: Thierry Carval [IFREMER] ) Ifremer‘s SOS -> XML output Machine-machine protocol
Task 9c: Data infrastructure: SOS development and implementation (Lead: Thierry Carval [IFREMER] ) SOS Client
Task 9d: Data infrastructure: Prototype implementation (Lead: Robert Huber [UNI-HB] ) Objectives: Putting things together.. Implement the ESONET data flow from acquisition to data publication as drafted in dmp Use OGC and other standards (SOS, CSW, OAI-PMH) for data access, data exchange (GEOSS, GMES etc.) Test of infrastructure -> demo missions Results: Operational Data infrastructure D43 Data infrastructure productive version
Task 9d: Integration
Thank you!