2007-05-15TIG session 3+Millennium database Millennium Database Overview and some first usage experiences Gerard Lemson and the Virgo Consortium astro-ph/0608019.


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Presentation transcript:

TIG session 3+Millennium database Millennium Database Overview and some first usage experiences Gerard Lemson and the Virgo Consortium astro-ph/

TIG session 3+Millennium database The Virgo consortium’s Millennium simulation Millennium simulation –10 billion particles, dark matter only –500 Mpc (~2Gly) periodic box –“concordance model” (as of 2004) initial conditions –64 snapshots – CPU hours –O(30Tb) raw + post-processed data Postprocessing: –dark matter density fields smoothed at various scales (45 * grid cells) –dark matter cluster merger trees (~750 million) –galaxy merger trees (~1 billion/catalogue) DeLucia & Blaizot, 2006 Bower et al, 2006

TIG session 3+Millennium database Dark matter and galaxies

TIG session 3+Millennium database Halos and galaxies

TIG session 3+Millennium database Database design

TIG session 3+Millennium database Database design: “20 queries” 1.Return the galaxies residing in halos of mass between 10^13 and 10^14 solar masses. 2.Return the galaxy content at z=3 of the progenitors of a halo identified at z=0 3.Return the complete halo merger tree for a halo identified at z=0 4.Find properties of all galaxies in haloes of mass 10**14 at redshift 1 which have had a major merger (mass-ratio < 4:1) since redshift Find all the z=3 progenitors of z=0 red ellipticals (i.e. B-V>0.8 B/T > 0.5) 6.Find the descendents at z=1 of all LBG's (i.e. galaxies with SFR>10 Msun/yr) at z=3 7.Find all z=3 galaxies which have NO z=0 descendent. 8.Return all the galaxies within a sphere of radius 3Mpc around a particular halo 9.Find all the z=2 galaxies which were within 1Mpc of a LBG (i.e. SFR>10Msun/yr) at some previous redshift. 10.Find the multiplicity function of halos depending on their environment (overdensity of density field smoothed on certain scale) 11.Find the dependency of halo formation times on environment

TIG session 3+Millennium database Time evolution: merger trees

TIG session 3+Millennium database Merger trees : select prog. from galaxies des, galaxies prog where des.galaxyId = 0 and prog.galaxyId between des.galaxyId and des.lastProgenitorId Leaves : select galaxyId as leaf from galaxies des where galaxyId = lastProgenitorId Branching points : select descendantId from galaxies des where descendantId != -1 group by descendantId having count(*) > 1

TIG session 3+Millennium database More database design features Spatial indices –Peano-Hilbert index links to field (256^3) –Z-curve index (bit interleaved, 256^3) SQLServer2005 CLR integration with C# for range queries –Zone index (ix/iy/iz, 50^3) select * from galaxies where snapnum = 63 and ix = 1 and iy = 5 and iz = 20 Random sampling select * from galaxies where snapnum = 63 and random between 1000 and 2000

TIG session 3+Millennium database the Millennium database web server Web application (Java in Apache tomcat web server) –portal: –public DB access: 30sec/1000rows | 30sec/unlimited rows –private access: 30sec/1000rows | 420sec/unlimited rows –MyDB, 1Gb, sometimes more Access methods –browser with plotting capabilities through VOPlot applet –wget + IDL, R –TOPCAT plugin

TIG session 3+Millennium database

TIG session 3+Millennium database

TIG session 3+Millennium database

TIG session 3+Millennium database Usage statistics Up since Aug 2006 Community notified via preprint server Obtained form DB-base log with SQL > 130 registered users almost 1.7 million queries (not all correct) since March 3, >5 billion rows handled

TIG session 3+Millennium database

TIG session 3+Millennium database Usage patterns Start with milli-Millennium (1/512 of full) Some download complete set Mainly to test approach, SQL Ask for account on full Millennium Run into timeout –either ask me –cut query in pieces –execute via script, using wget (good for hit rate count of site!) MyDB usage –small projects collaborate via results, –upload own data (when local at MPA, or via me)

TIG session 3+Millennium database Conclusions If you have valuable data (and “if you build it”), “they will come” PR helps –astro-ph/ –presentations by owners (Simon White, Volker Springel, Carlos Frenk) Users are not stupid –can and will learn SQL –don’t mind learning SQL (especially when relatively young) –come up with interesting solutions on their own Documentation important –not optimal yet: indexes, internal relationships Help desk (i.e. me) helps and is much appreciated Possible/planned improvements –full upload facility into MyDB –mirror machine with CAS jobs longer timeouts batch querying collaboration easier