Medicine and Health Kelsea Toseki and Megan Muffly
Thesis Medicine and healthcare are important issues that impact society both in the United States and around the world.
Definitions Medicine One of the major social institutions that sociologists study A society’s organized ways of dealing with sickness and injury Health A human condition measured by the following components Physical Mental Social Spiritual *The definitions of health and illness vary from culture to culture, as do the components of health*
The Sick Role 4 Elements to the Sick Role 1. Not held responsible 2. Exempt from normal responsibilities 3. Don’t like the role 4. Get competent help
The Sick Role Sick role is controversial– are you sick or not? Parents and physicians are primary gatekeepers Gender differences Women are more comfortable claiming sick role
Professionalization Education becomes rigorous Physicians claim a theoretical understanding of illness Regulate themselves Claim to be doing a service to society Take authority over clients.
Monopoly Controlling education and licensing Fee-for-Service Makes medicine a business Drive up price of healthcare Government funded healthcare Medicare and Medicaid
Physical Health Top 10 causes of death in the U.S., 2001
Types of Health Physical Health Body’s fitness Weight BMI Strength Endurance Immune System Mental Health Emotional and Psychological well-being Deal with and recover from difficult situations Stress Confidence Human Interaction
Issues in Healthcare Government provided healthcare Social Inequality Malpractice Suits Defensive medicine Medical Incompetence Depersonalization Conflict of Interest Medical Fraud Sexism Medically Assisted Suicide
Threats to Health HIV/AIDS Globalization of Disease Epidemics Drugs Alcohol Nicotine Disabling Environments Experiments
Alternatives Treatment vs. Prevention Spend more money on prevention? Global Perspective
Interview / Statistics
Works Cited Annandale, Ellen. "Book - Ellen Annandale - The Sociology of Health and Medicine." Welcome to Polity - leading international publisher in the social sciences and humanities May “Balanced – Universal Healy Care (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Against).” – Free Balanced, Non-Partisan Discussion of Political & Social Issues for Debate (Pros and Cons – Decision Making Politics). 25 Mar May Category. “The Mind and the Body are the Same Thing.” Mental Health – Information on Mental Health. 27 Nov May Henslin, James M.. Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach (6th Edition). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, "Introduction to Sociology/Health and Medicine - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks." Wikibooks. 9 May May Prosser, Brenton. "Emerging From the Shadow of Medicine - Health Sociology Review." Health Sociology Review - Health Sociology Review. 15 May of-medicinehttp://hsr.e- of-medicine