Western and Central Africa Portfolio Performance Review July 2009 – June 2010 Dakar, 09 November 2010
The IFAD Portfolio 50 active projects in 21 countries. Total IFAD financing: US$ 800 million. 13 partners are co-financing 33 projects with an additional (33%) US$ 385 million to the IFAD financing. The regional grant portfolio amounted to US$ 23 million : 15 large regional grants (US$20 million) 20 small grants (US$3 million)
IFAD Strategic Objectives (SO) IFAD strategic objectives are pursued with projects channeled through Governments to producers and processors, their associations and local level institutions emphasising capacity building, participatory planning and implementation, with particular attention given to poorer women and youth. Natural Resources Management and Agriculture Technology and Services : 20% of projects include sub-components of research, extension and training for agriculture production, irrigation, NRM, livestock and rangelands, and fisheries. SO 1 SO 2 Financial Services, Input and Output Markets, and Off-farm Employment and Enterprise Development : 32% of projects include market and related infrastructure, rural financial services, small and micro-enterprise development. SO 3 SO 4 SO 5 Participation in Local and National Policy Processes – 48% of projects include policy and institutional support, management and human development, and community driven development. SO 6
Implementation Support Strategy CPMs Country Programme Managers represent IFAD at individual country levels with an average of 5 projects per CPM. Greater emphasis being given to out-posted CPMs (existing, new and planned), and local knowledge through CPOs and in-country teams. Supervision IFAD direct supervision (48 projects or 96% of portfolio), increasing by 30% from the previous year). Capacity Building Grants are used to strengthen capacities, particularly M&E, project and financial management and technical assistance for technology generation. Regional Support Team Regional Support Team Regional Support team backstops CPMs, projects in design, implementation support and supervision. Where needed, continuous training for projects provided. Accra Action Plan – and WCA Division Annual Retreat – reviews implementation and knowledge sharing strategy agreed between WCA and all projects at the Regional Implementation Workshop (Accra, Nov ’09).
Maturity of the Regional Portfolio 42% (or 21 projects) are less than 3 years old. 14% (or 7 projects) are above seven years old. This demonstrates that rejuvenation of the portfolio is taking place. Project Maturity No. of Projects % year1020% years1122% years1326% years918% > 7 years714% Total ongoing projects50 Average duration (yr)3.89
Key Accomplishments Stand Out Two supervision / implementation support missions per project per year Taking over of 96% of the portfolio under Direct Supervision More than USD 340 million (43%) disbursed out of USD 800 million 540 withdrawal applications processed Significant reduction in the disbursement lag from 47% to 12% 31 out of 55 projects moderately satisfactory or satisfactory Sustainable impact, results and continuity Sustainability of the portfolio stands at over 86% Reduced from USD 51.9 million to USD 39.3 million Resumption in Liberia, Central African Republic and Togo Total arrears in WCA reduced by more than 24%41 Projects are “Not-at-Risk” and therefore 85%
Overall Best Implementation Progress CountryProject Name PBAS Project Rating 2010 Scores 2009 Scores % Change Senegal MATAM 2Not at risk % Niger PPILDANot at risk100991% Cape Verde PLPRNot at risk99936% Gambia, The Rural Finance ProjectNot at risk % Ghana Rural Enterprise Project IINot at risk96915% Mauritania Oasis Sustainable Dev.Not at risk96 0%
With the Main Success Areas Participation in Local and National Policy Processes including Community- Driven Development and Decentralization. CAPE VERDE and NIGER Agricultural and NRM, Technology and Services. SENEGAL and MAURITANIA Financial Services and Micro-Enterprises Development. GHANA and GAMBIA
Remaining Challenges 38% considered unsatisfactory M & E 35% considered unsatisfactory Disbursement Rates 35% not received on time Audit Reports 20% with major financial issues Qualified Audit Report 15% poor financial management Actual Problem Project
Risk Status and Main Areas of Concern Chad, Guinea, and Congo (14% of countries) Country Portfolios At Risk Projects at risk (6 Actual Problem Projects) Pro-activity index (67%, 3 projects completed and 1 problem project upgraded) Project Risk Status Counterpart funds Disbursement rate/lag (improved but needs further improvement) Financial management Fiduciary Aspects Unsatisfactory performance indicators - Fiduciary Aspects M & E Project management Project implementation progress
Six Projects at Risk Pro-actively, WCA with West African Rural Foundation provided training sessions to fifty projects from 20 countries through five sub-regional workshops in Gambia, Benin, Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, and DR Congo building the capacity of all the portfolio and project staff, principally the project director and the financial controller as well as government official from Ministries of Agriculture and Finance. PRODER-K and PRODER-B : Poor implementation progress and sustainability BEING CLOSED PPRD-HG : Poor implementation progress, management and sustainability BEING CLOSED PACV II : World Bank (main financier) suspended the disbursements PRODER : Poor management CHAD GUINEA CONGO PRAPO : Poor management DR CONGO
Key Actions being taken to Improve Performance Simple Design simpler projects (fewer components), minimising risks in civil strife countries; and Simpler coordinated implementation arrangements. Design simpler projects (fewer components), minimising risks in civil strife countries; and Simpler coordinated implementation arrangements. Rigorous More rigorous supervision and implementation support including customized training program for IFAD staff and projects. Aggressive More aggressive restructuring and closing of projects which do not take actions to improve. Increase Increased partnerships with local and bilateral institutions with demonstrated ability to obtain results in difficult countries.
To Conclude… Dynamic and proactive management at country level : strengthening and using CPMT; better management of country teams; capacity building (at IFAD and project level); coordinated approach with partners. Direct supervision and systematic implementation support and continuous follow-up of project activities with one main outcome: achieving RI (results and impact)! Implementation is as key as design : good COSOP and design, with monitored implementation and support – assurance of implementation readiness for successful project. Priority now: good work planning and budgeting, procurement planning. Continued pro-activity in the following: