Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Wandsworth 2014 DRAFT: Progress as at 31 st October 2014 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Locality definitions Locality needs Locality provision Consultation Recommendations for Health and Wellbeing Board approval in March 2015 Laurence Gibson Public Health WBC
Wandsworth JSNA 2014 Categorised needs in terms of; care for vulnerable households, and care of the elderly Inequalities; deprived communities with high cancer and cardiovascular mortality under the age of 75; and black ethnic groups with high rates of sexually transmitted diseases Excess winter deathsFalls and fractured neck of femursSexually Transmitted InfectionsHigh childhood obesity levelsAlcohol related hospital admissionsImmunity for measles, mumps, and rubellaMental Health and Self reported wellbeingBreast and bowel screeningAdult obesity and lack of physical activityLearning disabilities; (23% known)210 Children looked after79% completed treatment for TB in Care Home Residents
Population Density per Hectare (Census 2011)
Six localities of Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
Locality needs
Common Issues -Obesity -COPD -Smoking -Mental Health -Sexual health -Alcohol -Cancer screening -Mental Health -Teenage Sexual Health -Alcohol / drugs in young people -CVD -Diabetes -A&E -Health promotion for minorities and seldom heard groups Clinical Commissioning Group, Locality Priorities
Garratt Lane and Wandsworth Common (76,000) Few over 85’s, few older people living alone. More affluent, low level of self assessed bad health Stroke and respiratory disease mortality is high for the older age groups West Hill and Putney (69,000) Older age groups, higher % of BME More affluent, low level of self assessed bad health Over 65 breast and prostate cancer. Under 75 cancer mortality Winstanley (59,000) More deprived, average self assessed bad health Adult Obesity Children’s development and obesity Binge drinking Emergency admissions to hospital. High overall mortality particularly circulatory disease. Characteristic Issues to tackle
Tooting Bec (78,000) High under 16’s, and over 85’s High level of BME, and no English language More deprived, average self assessed bad health Long term unemployment Children’s academic achievement Low birth weight High <75 mortality despite average lifestyle indicators, why? Nine Elms (12,000) Development area High deprivation and BME Average self assessed bad health Children’s academic achievement and obesity High COPD admissions High under 75 mortality rates Roehampton (14,000) Development area High proportion between 16 and 24, and pensioners living alone High deprivation and BME Risk factors for circulatory disease and cancer Self harm, alcohol abuse Obesity COPD admissions Falls Characteristic Issues to tackle
Locality provision
Estimation of the average number of pharmacies per 100,000 population in 2014 Pharmacy and GP provision in Wandsworth
Consultation and feedback
Numerous focus groups involving 400 people and a public survey engaging more than 370 people September Pharmacy Stakeholder Engagement Event Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Forum meeting Katherine Low Settlement Group South Thames College- Freshers Fayre Youth debate club (under 19’s club) Annual Clinical Commissioning Group Conference Special Schools Substance Misuse Service User Group October Mimosa Women’s group Community Wellbeing day West Wandsworth Patient Consultative Group Meeting Older peoples drop in session Wandsworth Older People’s Forum Wandsworth Carers Carey Gardens committee meeting Wandle Patient Consultative Group Meeting Sheltered Housing Forum Roehampton University Students November Roehampton Forum Senior Citizens Event Wandsworth Council Public Meeting Battersea Patient Consultative Group meeting Co-op (housing) forum Children’s Centre December Area Housing Forum (Wandsworth resident associations) HealthWatch Forum meeting Wandsworth Deaf Forum Eastwood Children Centre
Lack of awareness around services, (advertise and web presence) Need to target young people An out-of-hours pharmacy should be commissioned Shop perception where consultations lack privacy People are aware that pharmacists and GPs 'compete' for services Equality and Diversity training is needed Medication use review Medicine management reviews for HIV Blood screening services should be available at pharmacy for everything from cholesterol checks to HIV testing Vaccinations should be made accessible via pharmacy The disposal and storage of medication Delivery of repeat medications to the home, the fact they are visiting the home of vulnerable people is an opportunity for other help or advice Services
Recommendations (draft)
Recommendations Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Programme Routinely scrutinise the activity and quality of services e.g. the Minor Ailments Scheme Pharmaceutical Outreach Programme Encourage pharmacies to engage in more outreach work, to prioritise a series of outreach initiatives and measure the social and economic implications Work with local primary care services to tackle highly localised issues, for example sexual health in Nine Elms, overweight in Shaftesbury, and diabetes in Tooting. There are service gaps within the borough, most acutely in Nine Elms. New service providers should be found, but not before outreach services from existing suppliers are investigated. In developing the outreach programme existing venues, services and vacant council owned shops should be considered. JSNA priority alignment Investigate the feasibility and economic validity of the contribution pharmacy can make to the JSNA priorities, e.g; Falls and medication review Sexual health screening Medication and mental health Community equipment programme