One Impressive Feature Of The English Judicial System ◆ Some special features of British judicial system ◆ The impressive feature:the use of lay people in the judicial system ◆ The use of unprofessional people in China presenter: 张 凤 美
( Ⅰ )Some features of the judicial system in Britain Independence of the judiciary Judges must have been practising in the legal profession for a certain years before appointed a judge The use of professionals and lay people in the judicial system The twelve person jury system
( Ⅱ )The use of lay people in the judicial system ▲ Magistrate ▲ The jury
Magistrates in the courts ◆ Who are magistrates? ◆ Requirements of the magistrates and the balance bench (age,gender, geographical spread, occupation,ethnic origin,etc.) ◆ Duties and responsibilities of magistrates (Criminal matters,Civil matters )
Judicial oath I, , do swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second in the office of Justice of the Peace for the City of , and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this realm, without fear or favor, affection or ill will. So help me God.
The jury ◎ Who can be jurors? ◎ The functions of the jury. “…the jury is the lamp that shows that freedom lives…” —Lord Devlin ◎ Duties of a juror
–The Old Bailey (High Court)
( Ⅲ )The situation in China The jury in Hongkong is similar to that in UK The jury in mainland China is different form that in UK
References ht m /html/gat/ htm Contemporary British Culture and Society Thank you for your listening!