2oth Century China 1908 - Today
The Creation of the Chinese Republic Kuomintang: Nationalist movement formed China into a republic. When Ci Xi (Hsu – Tsi) (Empress Dowager) died (1908), a three-yr old boy (Pu-Yi) inherited the throne. Peasants, students, warlords, and politicians toppled dynasty. Yixian took power. (1911) Yuan Shikai – Runs Republic until 1916. Corrupt Republic 1916 – 1926. * 1919 May Fourth Movement The Emperor was imprisoned within the Forbidden City. Sun Yixian (Yat-sen): spokesperson for Kuomintang.
The Forbidden City
The Creation of the Chinese Republic con’t Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek): After Sun Yixian died, Jieshi took over in 1925. He crushed warlords and slaughtered communist party members. Civil war broke out and lasted the for the next 22 years.
The Chinese Civil War: 1926-1949 Mao Zedong- One of the survivors of Jieshi’s attacks, led the communist forces. **The Long March 100,000 communist troops fled Jieshi’s “extermination campaigns” for 6,000 miles only 20,000 survived. Relations During WWII: The Nationalists and Communists joined together to fight the Japanese outside Beijing on July 7, 1937. FOLLOWING THE WAR: - Mao’s forces gain popularity & take Beijing in 1949.
The People’s Republic of China The Communists seize control October 1, 1949. Mao Zedong set up the People’s Republic of China. Jiang Jieshi and his supporters fled to Taiwan. Today, Taiwan is still a democratic nation, while mainland China is Communist.
The Great Leap Forward 1958 - 1961 What was it, according to the propaganda?
The Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1968 What was it? What can we learn from the propaganda? What is a cult of personality? What other totalitarian leaders had a cult of personality?
The Red Guards The “Lost Generation”
China Reform and Reaction
China and the West Mao and Zhou Enlai, look West Economic Reform 1972, Nixon meets with Mao and Zhou Agree to exchange culture, limited trade 1979, US and China establish diplomatic relations Economic Reform 1980 Deng Xiaoping emerges as Chinese leader Four Modernizations Agriculture, industry, defense, science and technology
Massacre in Tiananmen Square June 4th, 1989 Students demand democracy Martial law attacked and killed hundreds Stamping out Protest
Images from the Tiananmen Square Uprising 1989
Marches, hunger strikes, sit-ins, and more, for democratic change.
Lady of Liberty sculpture, facing Mao.
Tanks roll in.
Clearing the square, as the world watches.
Order restored, but at what cost?
Transfer of Hong Kong Great Britain hands over Hong Kong to China in 1997 Ending 155 years of colonial rule
Beyond 2000 What is China like right now??? Is there a growing need for democracy??? What are Chinese-US relations like???