[Your presentation title here] 1.This template contains a suggested layout of your poster. However, you can adjust the design (eg remove the header and footer), font face and font size as wished. Please keep the aspect ratio of this file unchanged, so that your poster can be printed as A1 dimension correctly by the Organizer. After a procedural review of your poster submitted, you will receive an image file for final checking it goes to print. 2.If you wish to provide your own design file, please send a JPG file in actual printing size (A1; 594mm x 841mm) in CMYK colors, 150ppi and WITHOUT bleed area. [Sample text: The Greater China eHealth Forum is a joint effort among Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan initiated by CHIMA and eHC, aimed at: raising the awareness of ehealth and health informatics; promoting ehealth development, project collaboration and experience sharing among Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; introducing new technologies and international standards; encouraging cooperation between domestic and foreign regions on medical informatics and internationalization of standards.] [Sample text: Themed "Connect. Collaborate. Care.", the Forum has brought together representatives of authoritative and renowned ehealth/medical informatics organizations in the Greater China Region as members of the Forum's Regional and Local Organizing Committees, and has invited international experts to form an Scientific Program Committee where they would provide professional guidance on the preparation and scientific program of the event.] [Sample text: The Greater China eHealth Forum is a joint effort among Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan initiated by CHIMA and eHC, aimed at: raising the awareness of ehealth and health informatics; promoting ehealth development, project collaboration and experience sharing among Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; introducing new technologies and international standards; encouraging cooperation between domestic and foreign regions on medical informatics and internationalization of standards.] [Sample text: Themed "Connect. Collaborate. Care.", the Forum has brought together representatives of authoritative and renowned ehealth/medical informatics organizations in the Greater China Region as members of the Forum's Regional and Local Organizing Committees, and has invited international experts to form an Scientific Program Committee where they would provide professional guidance on the preparation and scientific program of the event.] Top: [caption] Right: [caption] Below: [caption] Remarks: Please send this file to by preferably 31 August for any required modifications to be made by 6 September Please note contents should NOT be of commercial product/service sales in nature. For enquiries: (Secretary of SPC) (Registrations, Traveling and Accommodation)