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CorrectWrongHome China 100 China II JapanPeacePotpourri World History
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 Chinese man who sought to form a Chinese Republic?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 100 Who was Sun Yat-sen.
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 The name given to the Nationalist Party started by Sun Yat-sen.
CorrectWrongHome Answer 200 Kuomintang
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 Military leaders in China who ruled the different regions. They raised and paid for their own armies?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 300 What are warlords.
CorrectWrongHome Question 400 He became leader of the Nationalist government of China after Sun Yat- sen?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 400 Who was Chiang Kai-shek.
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 Chiang Kai-shek’s communist opponent?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 500 Who is Mao Zedong.
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 The place the Chinese Nationalists established their government after the Communists took over mainland China?
CorrectWrongHome 100 answer Where is Taiwan.
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 The Communist 5,000 mile retreat into Northern China where 80,000 communist soldiers died?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer What is the Long March.
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 What do we mean when we say that Japan had become “westernized”?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer It has shaped its culture in a manner similar to that of the United States and Europe (West).
CorrectWrongHome Question 400 What nation did Japan defeat in 1895?
CorrectWrongHome 400 answer What is China.
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 What section of China did Japan attack in 1931?
CorrectWrongHome 500 answer What is Manchuria.
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 What two Japanese cities did the United States drop atomic bombs?
CorrectWrongHome 100 answer What is Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 What did the Chinese Communists call their nation?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer People’s Republic of China.
CorrectWrongHome 300 Question What was the name given to the Chinese in Taiwan?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer Nationalist China.
CorrectWrongHome Daily double
CorrectWrongHome Daily Double 400 Name and describe Sun Yatsen’s Three principles of the People?
CorrectWrongHome Daily Double answer Nationalism: Chinese should rule themselves. Democracy: formation of a constitutional government in which all Chinese were considered equal. Livelihood: providing every Chinese man with the means to support himself and his family.
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 The name of Mao Zedong’s plan to reorganize Chinese agriculture and industry?
CorrectWrongHome 500 answer The Great Leap Forward.
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 The result of Mao Zedong’s plan of the Great Leap Forward?
CorrectWrongHome 100 answer A famine that killed 19 million people in 1960 alone.
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 The Chinese leader after Mao introduced some capitalist practices to Communist China?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer Deng Xiaoping
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 What two countries, both the sites of major wars, were split into Northern (communist) and southern (free) parts after WWII?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer What are Korea and Vietnam.
CorrectWrongHome Question 400 The only nation in Asia that claims a majority of its citizens are Christians?
CorrectWrongHome 400 answer What is the Philippines.
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 According to legend, who was the first person to preach the gospel in India?
CorrectWrongHome 500 answer Who is Apostle Thomas.
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 Name given to churches in the homes of Chinese families.
CorrectWrongHome 100 answer What is house churches.
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 Imaginary line between free and Communist Asia?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer What is the bamboo curtain.
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 Disobeying laws that one thinks are unjust?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer What is civil disobedience.
CorrectWrongHome Question 400 A group of students took over this place calling for a reform of corruption and greater political freedom?
CorrectWrongHome 400 answer What is Tiananmen Square.
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 The man who stunned the world when he announced to the Japanese that he was not “a god” and that Japan was not better than the rest of the world.
CorrectWrongHome 500 answer Hirohito