NICL (New International Communication Labour) engaged in co-production through work and culture
Production Distribution Exhibition
Production Distribution Exhibition
Distribution List of film distributors
Distribution Case study: Arrietty (article on Bb)Arrietty
Production CO- “Official” co-production Treaties are signed. Countries are notified. “Unofficial” co-production Resources (money, location, talents) are pulled together without countries’ involvement.
Work Why Canada, a? Co-production
Work “Coproductions are a key component of Canadian film and television production. They are a favoured method of penetrating new markets and facilitating project financing. Canadians are very active in the coproduction area. They promote quality and demonstrate remarkable energy and understanding of markets, making them valued, sought-after partners.” International Treaties
Co-producing Asia Hong Kong Shanghai Tokyo Seoul
Work TrailerTrailer (mainland China) TrailerTrailer (South Korea)
Work Actor: Andy Lau Director: Jacob Cheung (Hong Kong) Actress: Bing Bing Fan (Mainland China) Supporting actor: Sung-ki Ahn (South Korea)
Work Whose film? Co-production
Culture Ang Lee – Taiwanese? Chinese? American?
Culture Co-production with Hong Kong
Culture Top grossing films, ever:
Culture Transformers in ChinaTransformers in China (article on Bb)
Culture News article: Plot change: Foreign forces transform Hollywood filmsPlot change: Foreign forces transform Hollywood films
National Cinema How can films unify a nation? When should films be used to unify a nation? Culture
Facilitation Body Culture News article: David Cameron calls for “more commercial” British films
Work Why Boston? chowda, anyone?
Work Massachusetts Film Office ( “In the old days in the pre tax credit days we would be killing ourselves to get them to shoot movies that were set in Massachusetts in Massachusetts, now we're getting movies that are set elsewhere being shot here because the incentives make it financially compelling.” Film producers now get twenty-five cents in tax credits for every dollar they spend in Massachusetts. A long-running series could create long-term job prospects and raise Boston's profile as an established production center. He evokes 'Boston Legal' and 'Spenser for Hire.' The tax credits apply to TV productions as well.
Work State by state
Top states for film/TV production Work
Case Study: As movie production scatters, so do Tinseltown’s hired handsAs movie production scatters, so do Tinseltown’s hired hands (article on Bb) Work
U.S. runaway film and television production study report U.S. runaway productions are those which are developed and are intended for initial release/exhibition or television broadcast in the U.S., but are actually filmed in another country. “creative” runaways-which depart because the story takes place in a setting that cannot be duplicated or for other creative considerations.
Work “economic” runaways, which depart to achieve lower production costs and tax incentives. Canada captures the vast majority of economic runaways, with 81% of the total. Australia and the U.K. capture another 10%. Wage rates in Canada, Australia and the U.K. have consistently been lower than the U.S. during the past few years.
Work Above the line Below the line the list of individuals who perform the physical production of a given film, the post-production work and all of the related expenditures (for example, assistant director, costume designer, technician, make-up artist, etc.) the list of individuals who guide, influence and hopefully add to the creative direction, process and voice of a given narrative in a film and their related expenditures (for example, director, producer, actor, etc.) Stop runaway production