1) EMPORER: leader of China (same as a tsar or king);very rich and powerful. 2) DYNASTY: The rule of one Emperor and his family. One dynasty lasted as long as the same family ruled China. China was ruled by dynasties for over 2000 years.
3) PEASANTS: Poor farmers who made up 90% of the Chinese population. The peasants were very poor and did not have any rights like the emperor and the rich landowners. - This is just like how things were in Russia before it became a communist country. 4) QING: The last dynasty to rule China, it fell in 1911.
THE EMPEROR (The ruler- very powerful, had wealth and land.) RICH LANDOWNERS (Had money, land, and privileges from the Emperor.) POOR PEASANTS (Had no wealth, no land, and no privileges.)
The idea of communism started in China in the 1920’s, several years after the Qing Dynasty fell. Chiang Kai-Shek, (who was a rich landowner, and who WAS NOT a Communist), took over China and ruled it for 20 years. He led the Nationalist Party.
The idea of communism in China was started by a man named MAO ZEDONG. He led the Communist Party -He wanted all people in China, including the peasants, to be equal. -With the support of the peasants, Mao Zedong and his Communist Party took control of China in The new Communist name of China became THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA.
Results of Communism: The efforts to weaken family traditions have been somewhat successful in the large cities of mainland China. However, many of the traditional beliefs and practices have remained almost unchanged throughout most of China and in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In these areas, family traditions are still practiced the same way they have been for hundreds of years.
Art in China Art: bronze casting, music and dance using instruments like bells, drums, zither, porcelain, theater-opera (Peking Opera) Communism: Repressed art
Languages of China Many dialects but Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China dog gǒu 狗
Ethnic Groups of China Many ethnic groups-Han is largest
Religions and Philosophies of China Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism
Type of Economy Command Economy –GOVERNMENT OWNS INDUSTRIES –Sets production rates –Sets prices Beginning in the 1970’s, to be more competitive, China began to allow some aspects of market economy in some areas of China though.
Industries of China Metals-antimony and tungsten (1 of world’s largest producers) Chemical fertilizers clothing Cotton cloth machinery
Agriculture of China Most still use traditional methods Crops: –Rice(world’s largest producer) –wheat –Corn –Soybeans –Tobacco –Cotton (a large producer)
Technological Advances of China Key example of some of the advances is the Three Gorges Dam Three Gorges Dam, China crosses the Yangtze River in Hubei province, China. It the world’s largest hydroelectric power station by total capacity