~Cindy, Sierra, and Caroline~
~Between the Indian and Pacific Ocean, from Asia to almost Australia ~2 main Parts *Indochina -Mainland peninsula *The Islands -Largest ones= Sumatra, Borneo, and Jara ~Warm, humid tropics ~Heavy seasonal rains ~5 great rivers on mainland ~Valleys, hills, mountains, etc. makes travel and communication hard *Therefore, many cultures are in different regions ~Trade routes, land and sea through straits GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTHEAST ASIA
~They were influenced by political ideas, language, and art ~Missionaries brought new religions ~Everything was spread through trade routes (which led to cultural diffusion) INFLUENCE OF INDIA AND CHINA
~Now known as Cambodia ~Peaked power around 1200 ~Known for building irrigation systems and waterways ~They were able to produce 4 crops in an area per year, instead of 1 ~Angkor Wat created one of the greatest architectural achievements KHMER EMPIRE
~Using waters such as Sumatra, Borneo and Java ~They grew wealthy from taxing trade through waters ~This led to population growth ISLAND TRADING KINGDOMS
~The Vietnamese people (which were located in South China) broke away *Became an independent kingdom known as Dai Viet ~Improved road and river transportation ~Vietnamese women had more rights DAI VIET
~Wang Kong= king ~From 935 to 1392 ~Established government based off of China’s government ~Mongols were a threat until their Empire collapsed ~Groups of military leaders and scholars overthrew the Koryu Dynasty *Became Yi Dynasty ~Culture *Famous for pottery *Wooden blocks with Buddhist scriptures carved into them KORYU DYNASTY
~On peninsula near mainland China ~Size of Utah ~Extreme climates: *Very hot in summer *Very cold in winter ~Mountains act as natural barriers *Creates isolation GEOGRAPHY OF KOREA