Hong Kong By Kaeshah and Mayah
Location It is a Country on the southern coast of China and south China Hong Kong is nestled one Estern region of the pearl river deta engulfed by the peoples coast line side were the south chinas face proince from the southern side and the guagdong area from the north side.
Flag The flag of Hong Kong featers a white styled five peatls. Flower in the center of a red field. It is desihgned was adopted on the 4 th of April 1990 at the third season of the seventh. With Five stars
Capital city Hong Kong is a City. Hong Kong is in China. Hong Kong is the number one business city In Asia. It is the perfect base for companies That want to do business in Mainland China And across the region. Discover why this is the Right time to set up a business in Hong Kong.
Climate Hong Kong is located on Chians south coast.60rm 37 minutes east of macau on the opposite side of the pearl river delta Subtropical hong kong has four distingsuishable seasons hot humidspring hot and rainy summer pleasnt and sunny
Food Lobstar noodles suchi speggetie pie chocolate iceblock honey soup chicken rice goose pigs. They eat all diffrint stuff.
Languages spoken Chinese and english and a bit more
Main resource and possible exports The name Hong Kong litter meaning fragrent harbour is derived from the are around present day Aberdeen on Hong Kong island, were fragrant wood. Products and fragrant incensre were once traped. The marrow body of water separating Hong Kong island
Intresting facts The peak tram became the first cable fun courler in asia in 1888 and remain one of the steerest and oldest cable rallroads in the world an averange over people ride the peak tram every day or move than 4million annually. Approximately 314 of Hong Kong is rural comprising of 24 countrs panks scenic hills wood lands reserveiose and cost lines easily acesilbly from the city It Is being promoting as the cite for chins renmingi creb intenational staion with the issuing of chinas government and rmb-denominated corporate bonds and rmb trade settlements