Asia Unit 7
Background Information The countries of East Asia have different customs, histories and traditions. This Unit focuses on Japan, China, Korea (North and South) and Taiwan. Their cultural traits were effected due to trade, war and expansionism. China’s Silk Road was the most influential in contributing to cultural exchange and diffusion during the dynastic periods. Today, although still considered a communist nation, it continues to thrive through trade and continues to play an important role in our society.
Japan During the 19th century, (1860’s), Japan’s foreign policy of isolationism would soon change. This period in Japan’s history experienced a weakening of the emperor and shogun (military dictator). The United States pushed for a treaty that would permit foreign trade. Battles occurred and Japan’s military lacked the modern weapons that the highly industrialized U.S. possessed. While Japan’s traditional policies forbade international trade, by 1861, treaties were signed, the ruling emperor (mostly powerless) and the Shogun (military leader and dictator) opened Japan’s doors to international trade.
Asia Before and After WWII: Korea remained part of China through most of the region’s history. When Japan transformed to expansionism and[‘, it took over the island of Taiwan, parts of mainland China and Korea as well as other surrounding islands. After World War II, through multiple treaties and agreements, sovereign nations evolved and different systems of government developed. Soon, China became The People’s Republic of China (communist) and those that resisted fled to an island (Taiwan) The Republic of China (democracy). Japan transformed from emperor/dictatorship into a democracy and Korea, through a civil war, divided into North Korea (communist/dictatorship) and South Korea (democracy).