China 中国
Lesson Plan Mr. Bahlke in China Context China Context Open Forum Mr. Bahlke General Observations / Conversation Points
Potential Conversations Speed of China’s Development How? Why? China: Developing Country or Developed Country? Copenhagen Talks. World’s 2 nd largest economy v. low per capita GDP. Central Planning: Sachs writ large?
Mr. Bahlke in China
1 year as an elementary school English Teacher in Shenzhen, the richest city (per capita) in Mainland China Travel to Beijing, Shanghai, Macau, Tibet, Sichuan Province, Hong Kong Some Chinese friends, some small grasp of the language
China Generally Very large, complex country Very fast-paced growth – next global superpower? “Democracy with Chinese Characteristics” / Great / food.
Open Forum Questions?
Speed of Development Could this rapid development have happened 100 years ago? 50? 20? 5? Why or why not? Why isn’t this happening elsewhere? And/or, is it? Is it fair/possible to project this growth 20, 30, 50 years into the future? Why or why not?
Developed or Developing? What is a developing country? What is a developed country? What is development? Is it Freedom? Is China developing or developed? If developing, at what point will it become “developed”?
Sachs Writ Large Is the Chinese system of Central Planning more like: Sachs? Commanding Heights / Russia? Different non-evil past economies? Certain agencies/companies in the US? Is the Chinese system of economic management good? Bad? Are the controls on its people necessary to the success of its economy?