Third Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2-4 December 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia FIRST CONFERENCE PARTNERS MEETING 5 th August 2008,


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Presentation transcript:

Third Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2-4 December 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia FIRST CONFERENCE PARTNERS MEETING 5 th August 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)

Structure of presentation 1.Introduction 2.Conference objectives 3.Tentative format and structure 4.Substantive Progress 5.Proposed timeframe 6.Expectations from Partners / Donors

Introduction  Offer made by Malaysia to host the 3 rd Asian Ministerial Conference (AMC3) at 2 nd Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR (Delhi, November 2007)  Dates confirmed for 2-4 December 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  Confirmed theme: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Asia Pacific Region – Two special areas of focus: - local community action for DRR / CBDRM - Public Private Partnerships for DRR  First stakeholder discussions on AMC3 at ISDR Asia Partnership meeting (February 2008, Bangkok) – Report of discussions available and circulated  Initial idea of a Working Group on the Ministerial Preparations composed of UNESCO, UNOCHA, UNESCAP, SOPAC, IFRC, ADRC, ADB, EC, USAID, AUSAID, ADPC, ASEAN Secretariat, ILO -> all partners approached and getting gradually involved

To review the action taken by the national governments and other stakeholders for the implementation of the Hyogo Framework of Action as a follow up to the Beijing Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and Delhi declaration; To ensure an effective follow-up to the decisions taken by the ISDR Asia Partnership, as the operative arms of the Ministerial Conferences, in particular in mapping out and reporting on the implementation of DRR in Asia and the Pacific To take stock of initiatives taken in various sub-regions of Asia for promoting cooperation and building partnerships for disaster risk reduction among nations, both within and outside the governments, including private and public partnership; To share and exchange good practices and lessons learned on disaster risk reduction in various fields including application of science and technology, community based disaster preparedness, public-private partnership and enhance their replication within the region; Objectives of the 3rd Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

To discuss the preparations towards key global processes for Disaster Risk Reduction such as the Global Platform and Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction as well as contribution to regional foras on disaster risk reduction; To develop a vision and roadmap to strengthen existing partnerships and forge new ones, and engage new stakeholders’ investment in disaster risk reduction in Asia, such as the private sector, re-insurance companies etc. To facilitate a better recognition of community-based activities and local actions on disaster risk reduction by Governments and promote the mobilization of adequate policy and financial support at the national level to facilitate the effective implementation and replication within vulnerable communities AMC3 Objectives (Cont’d)

Expected Outcome Conference declaration with renewed Governments commitments for an effective DRR and HFA implementation in the Asia Pacific region Concrete recommendations how to bring DRR to the local communities and vulnerable groups Recommendation towards national/regional practical action plans for forward-looking actions. Enhanced regional partnerships and involvement of the private sector in DRR, among other key stakeholders Expected participation Ministers and other high-level Government representatives from Asia and the Pacific Island Countries – In particular for opening, closing and HLRTs Senior Government representatives engaged in disaster risk reduction in their respective country as well as disaster risk reduction / management experts and practitioners, scientists, UN Agencies, Regional Organizations, sub-regional partners Representatives from local authorities, civil society, NGOs, Academic institutions, media Private sector Donor community and Development banks

3-day event comprising of 1. Open Public Forum over the 3 days – Includes: - exhibition booths from Government, UN, private sector, technical experts - Media training on DRR and press-related events 2. Plenary Sessions including: -6 Technical Sessions (TS): will focus on technical aspects and come up with concrete recommendations for Ministers’ consideration at HLRTs -6 High-Level Round Tables (HLRTs): expected to address the recommendations, concerns and challenges raised by TS from and come up with policy recommendations for implementation -Concept Notes requested to regional leaders by 21 July based on Guidelines circulated to TS and HLRTs leaders – Received TS/HLRT 5 and Media training – Other Notes under development – Deadline: 15 September 3. Side Events during lunchtime: 2 per day – possibility to increase to 4 if requests placed for specific themes – 7 Offers made by 31 July (see list of side events) TENTATIVE PROGRAMME & STRUCTURE

Technical Sessions - Themes agreed upon with IAP members (Feb 08) TS 1 - Public Private Partnership for DRR TS 2 - Community based DRR, involvement and empowerment of local governments and NGOs in DRR TS 3 - Media involvement in DRR TS 4 - High technology and scientific applications to DRR, including Climate Change Adaptation TS 5 - Mobilizing resources for DRR TS 6 - Public Awareness and Education for DRR 2 Special Sessions to assess the progress and challenges in HFA implementation in Asia Pacific -SS1: Monitoring Progress for HFA Implementation -SS2: Regional Strategy for National Platforms on Disaster Risk Reduction Pre-Conference events on the day preceding the Official AMC3 opening -> Sub-regional or thematic nature to forge specific recommendations that will inform the Ministerial declaration - Available upon request Show Detailed Revised Structure and themes

Importance to ensure strategic discussions and come up with concrete policy recommendations out of HLRTs – To that end:  High Level Round Tables (HLRTs) composed of 5/6 Ministers + Chair of related TS  Chairs of TS will act as Rapporteurs for HLRTs so as to convey the technical recommendations made during the related Technical Sessions and ensure meaningful dialogue addressing the concerns raised  Ministers will be invited to choose their theme of preference and to prepare a strategic statement  Concept Notes developed for each TS will allow Ministers to get prepared to address, from a policy perspective, the key technical constraints, challenges and recommendations identified by practitioners in the previous TS  Close coordination and liaison to be ensured between rapporteurs, Chairs of TS and Chairs of HLRTs through daily morning and / or evening meetings  Malaysia offered to provide a Rapporteur for each technical session at the Ministerial, to be supported by ISDR and/or other Conference partners’ staff. Special focus to be placed on High-Level Round Tables

Draft structure and tentative list of themes for the Technical Session (TS) and High-Level Round Tables (HLRT) finalized with IAP members’ comments in March Call for Commitments and Substantive Leadership circulated to IAP Members in March – Supported through joint official letter by GoM and UN/ISDR to Donors and Partners to seek their support to AMC3 (substantive and financial) on 16 July 1 st Announcement finalized and circulated to various networks of regional partners, including PPP listserv to further engage the Private sector in AMC3 Circular letter by GoM announcing AMC3- Placed on ISDR’s website and Prevention Web with First Announcement for wider outreach Invitation Letters under preparation and signature with Government of Malaysia – Letter to UN Secretary General awaiting Prime Minister’s signature Progress on Substantive aspects

 Conference Website and Conference Secretariat address developed- expected to be operational by end of August (under NSC)  Substantive coordination initiated among leaders at regional and local levels, and amongst Partners interested in leading same sessions  Coordination of financial commitments to facilitate the participation of developing countries from Asia Pacific (see matrix)  On-going discussions to strengthen the presence and involvement of the private sector at the Ministerial – possible side events on Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Continuity, new Business opportunities and general involvement and role of the private sector in DRR  Current list of confirmed Conference Partners: UNOCHA, UNESCAP, IFRC, ADPC, ADRC, ADRRN, WORLD BANK, ASEAN, UNISDR, ITU  With the support of AusAID (Australia) – awaiting other Donors’ confirmation (Germany, SDC, Netherlands, UK/DFID, Sweden/SIDA) Progress on Substantive aspects (Cont’d)

Other Aspects Accommodation, conference venue and other logistical aspects - Comprehensive report made by Malaysia Online Registration Process – Conference Secretariat in charge of ensuring the link between registration, accommodation and financial support requests Registration process will be closed by 31 October 2008 Requests for financial support will be closed by 15 October 2008 to allow sufficient time to UN/ISDR and Partners, including UNDP/UNU to help on DSA and travel processing on time Visa issues - Embassies in Malaysia and in BKK and through MOFAs have been contacted to facilitate visa issuance for participants, even at the airport through the Ministry in charge of airport.

Media / Press related issues Local media and Malaysia-based international media (Al Jazeerah and Reuters) will be invited by Malaysia to cover the event. Official Press Conferences are planned after the opening and closing ceremonies. Individual press conferences will be arranged upon request through the Conference Secretariat – Specific room arranged MEDIA TRAINING as part of Open Public Forum: Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU) willing to support / lead with ISDR’s support -Objective: To increase media expertise and ability in reporting on DRR and in supporting awareness-raising and education processes on DRR to the general public as well as high-level advocacy with Governments through success stories -Only morning sessions to allow journalists to attend discussions – Includes: training session on DRR, presentation of pilot media projects on DRR and media round table discussion -Expected 30 participants – including 20 broadcasters from ABU network + local press and KL based international press -Expected output: produce a daily report (1mn30) and in-depth good practice – To be compiled in a DVD EXHIBITION -Call for Exhibitor will be made in end August / September -No cost to set up generic exhibition booth – Extra cost to be borne by Exhibitor -Capacity to accommodate around 30 exhibition booths around Plenary Room – to be set up 1 st December

5 th August: 1 st APEX Meeting with Conference Partners -Official financial and substantive commitment by Conference Partners -Closing of substantive leadership process for TS – still room for HLRTs, side events and Pre-Conferebnce events -Division of responsibilities and coordination arrangements among Partners, GoM and UN/ISDR -Agreement on distribution of financial support 15 th August: -Finalization of Concept Notes (in coordination with local partners) -Conference website and general Conference Secretariat address operational 30 th : -Collection of all Conference Partners logos -Issuance of Second Announcement with detailed information on leaderships on TS, HLRTs, Side events, pre-Conference events -Invitations sent to Ministers, Senior Officials, Technical Experts, NGOs -Call for Exhibitors Urgent Actions to be Taken and Tentative Timeline

Tentative Timeline – Cont’d September: –23 September: Second APEX Meeting -> Tentative Agenda for the Ministerial -> Concept Note on Drafting Committee arrangements -> Draft Ministerial Declaration available for discussion with Partners -> Compilation of Concept Notes on website and shared with Ministers -> Tentative List of Participants October –15th: Deadline for Financial Support requests –31st: Deadline for registration –Finalization of ALL sponsored participants –Final Draft Declaration circulated among core drafting Group –Final Agenda and working documents circulated –Final List of Participants November –By 15th November: posting of Final Draft Declaration on Conference Secretariat’s website –By 30th November: Final agenda + working documents + List of Participants –All registration processes in place

1.Confirm their financial and substantive commitment at APEX Meeting 2.Assist with the development of substantive documents  AMC3 Agenda - Background note - Conference Announcements - Description Notes of TS, HLRTs, side events and pre-conference events - Guidelines for TS, HLRTs, side events and Working Group discussions - Structure of Open Public Forum - AMC3 Draft Ministerial Declaration 3. Substantive Leaders invited to  develop the Concept Note of their TS, HLRT or side events in coordination with GOM and ISDR  identify and invite speakers, coordinate statements etc  allocate a budget for their respective event  Encourage local partners to organize side events, in particular with private sector (ADRRN/ Mercy Malaysia taking the lead in coordinating)  Encourage Donors to get involved Expectations from Conference Partners

Expectations and Recommendations 4. Financial High expectations on Conference Partners to support the travel of participants from developing countries Clearly indicate the selection of countries Conference Partners will be interested to support (Ref. List of Countries in Need for Financial Support) 5. Conference Partners are invited to: Seek any clarification, comment, suggestion or recommendation on structure, themes or timeline for the Ministerial Assist and support Ministerial’s organization by: a)Engaging fully Ministers in HLRTs b)Ensuring maximum financial support for developing countries’ participation c)Engaging local authorities, NGOs and local communities d)Ensuring the private sector is fully on board

Looking forward to working closely with the Government of Malaysia Team in making the Third Asian Ministerial Conference a success Thank you for your cooperation ! For more information: Tel: Fax: