Movie Guide to Proactive Statistics
Swimming with sharks.... Talk to journalists: it strengthens reputation and helps us survive the freezing waters of negativity Feed the fish. ONS organises briefings to help journalists understand and offers ‘ad hoc’ stories to add extra value
Life’s a box of statistics, Forrest
Media Training ONS delivered over 100 national TV/ radio interviews in More than 100 statisticians have received media training We have invested in good quality media training kit
‘Fear and wonder: a powerful combination’
Working with the BBC Business Unit covers regular outputs including: GDP Retail Sales Labour Market Inflation Strong ‘short story’ support Data visualisation
‘I’m not gonna hurt you....’ Breaking down doors... UK national newspapers Face to face meetings News Agencies Specialist Media Twitter/ Facebook
Reaching Ron Burgundy GDP ‘First estimate’ Short stories ‘Ad hoc’ briefings Seminars ‘Ad hoc’ stories Infographics Twitter/ Facebook
Godfathers and groundhogs....
Be afraid. Be very afraid...