Pisanello (a.k.a Antonio Pisano), John VIII Palaeologus, Emperor (obverse) lead/ Trial cast, 1438 Washington,National Gallery of Art
Pisanello John VIII Palaeogus Riding in a Rocky Landscape (reverse) Lead/ Trial cast, 1438 Washington, National Gallery of Art
Antonio Pisanello, Innocence and Unicorn in Moonlit Landscape (reverse), 1447, lead Washington, National Gallery of Art Antonio Pisanello, Cecilia Gonzaga (obverse), 1447, lead Washington, National Gallery of Art
Pisanello, Medal of Leonello d'Este, 1444, bronze Victoria and Albert Museum, London PISANELLO Portrait of Leonello d’Este 1441 Tempera on wood, 28 x 19 cm Accademia Carrara, Bergamo
Matteo de’Pasti Medal of Sigismondo Malatesta, Lord of Rimini (obverse) 1450, bronze Washington, National Gallery of Art Matteo de’Pasti S. Francesco/ Malatesta Temple by Alberti (reverse) 1450, bronze Washington, National Gallery of Art
? Medal of Cosimo de”Medici (Pater Patriae) Bronze, 1464
? Medal of Lorenzo de’Medici Bronze, c.1470s
Attrib. Niccolo Fiorentino Medal of Filippo Strozzi ( )
Examples of ancient Roman coins with portraits of rulers on obverse and allegorical subjects on reverse
(attr) Leon Battista Alberti Self-portrait Bronze plaque
PISANELLO Horses Pen on paper, 20 x 16,5 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris
Pisanello Drawing after Donatello and Michelozzo’s Prato Pulpit
PISANELLO Three Cows c Silver point, pencil and pen, 17,6 x 22,6 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris
Pisanello Study of costumed figures
PISANELLO The Virgin and Child with Saints George and Anthony Abbot mid 1400s Panel National Gallery, London