-Definition -Two common types -Therapy for laryngetomy
Definition Related to structural deviations of the vocal tract Or to diseases of specific structures of the vocal tract Examples Cleft palate (structural deviation) Viral papilloma of larynx (vocal tract disease)
Treatment Medical Dental Surgical Voice therapy by SLP Improve the physiologic function of a damaged larynx Develop the best voice possilbe
Cause/etiology Smoking Use of smokeless tobacco Chronic infections Herpes Repeated trauma to irritated site Leukoplakia ( 黏膜白斑病 )
Location Lip and intraoral - articulation Palatal and velar - articulation,vocal resonance and swallow Laryngeal - voice Types of laryngeal cancer Supraglottal Glottal Subglottal
Treatment for laryngeal cancers Combination of radiation therapy and surgery – small to moderate lesions Hemilaryngectomy, supraglottal laryngectomy or total laryngectomy - extensive cancers
Laryngeal cancer
Tongue cancer
Lip cancer
Cause/etiology Unknown , vocal abuse and laryngopharyngeal reflux(acquired)
Location Medial edge of the VF All segement of the edge of the VF Bilaterally symmetrical Superficial layer of the mucosa or the vocal ligament and muscle Types Physiological - normal voice Congenital - abnormal mucosal wave Acquired - abnormal mucosal wave
Acoustic changes adductionAbnormal mucosal wave Stiff lamina pr opria Compromised l amina propria Air leakag e Glottal incomp etence Strained qualit y Little pitch change Low intens ity
Treatment Surgery Incision Injection (collagen, fat,etc) Mucosal slicing Followed by voice therapy Reducing hyperfunction Pitch shifts Loudness changes etc
Function of larynx Prevent aspiration Three valve The true folds The ventricular folds The aryepiglottic folds Total laryngectomy alters respiration, swallowing and speech.