® QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems Workshop Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems February 18th, 2011 Barcelona
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 2 QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems Welcome GVIQUAEO GeoViQua On behalf of IEC and CREAF welcome to Barcelona and the first GeoViQua workshop meeting
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 3 Institut d'Estudis Catalans Institute for Catalan Studies IEC was founded in 1907 to undertake research and study into "all elements of Catalan culture”. The main building is located at “La Casa de la Convalescència” (Convalescence House), a 17th century construction related to an ancient Hospital nearby. In 1931 the building was severely transformed to host the IEC.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 4 Quality and Uncertainty (Dan Cornford) A statistical perspective on quality in GEOSS: challenges and opportunities –Dan Cornford (Aston) Quality Assurance of Reference Data - best practices based on ISO standards and European National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies –Antti Jakobsson (EuroGeographics) Issues of quality and trust in computing –Jo Lumsden (Aston) Previous projects with S[&]t participation in quality and RS –Joost Smeets (S[&]t)
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 5 GEO-GEOSS topics (Joan Masó) GEO GCI internal structure and standards –Steven F. Browdy (IEEE) GEO portal structure and plugability –Trocino, Nicola and Fallourd, Gregory (SC) GEOSS AIP. General presentation –George Percivall (OGC) AIP Data Harmonization Working Group & Engineering Report –Hervé Caumont (ERDAS & OGC) GEOSS AIP. Debate. How GeoViQua can contribute –Joan Masó (CREAF) EuroGEOSS and EGIDA projects –Stefano Nativi (CNR) EGIDA: helping the STC towards GEO-Label and a data citation –Bente Lilja-Bye (IIASA)
® QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems CoP sensibilities on quality Xavier Pons
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 7 CoP sensibilities on quality (Xavier Pons) Quality analysis in land cover change studies –Joan Pino (CREAF) The importance of Quality Indicators for Climate –Pascal Lecomte (ESA) How EUMETSAT distributes its data & products and attach quality indicators them: GEONETCast, EOportal –Mike Williams (EumetSAT) Carbon project –Philippe Peylin (CEA) Ocean data quality –Jon Blower (UREAD) NETMAR quality concerns –Jorge de Jesus (Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK)
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 8 Some thoughts (Xavier Pons, UAB) Accuracy is important, but completeness and timeliness can also be crucial elements of Quality (. i.e., it can be better a moderately good accuracy indicator with completeness information than a very good one without) Spatialized accuracy should be covered by our work. Proposal of nomenclature for types of variables: –Quantitative: Continuous Discrete –Ordinal (e.g. from multi-criteria analysis) –Categorical
® QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems Summary and final comments Joan Maso
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 10 Summary and final comments Quality different views –Uncertainty in the observations and theory behind that –INSPIRE approach to quality: each dataset with some ISO19115 parameters (different sets!) –Different aspects of trust and how apply them in visualization and labels –S&T quality applied to satellite data production chain. Some quality parameters can be corrections to improve products. Even after months in marine (ARGOS)
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 11 Summary and final comments GEO-GEOSS –GEO committees (participations is expected (EC dixit); even in GCI-CT) –There are rules for the GCI components!! –Data used in the Pilot cases shall be in the CSR and it is better that comes from the GEOSS DATA Core –Mediator can change the quality of the data. Antti & EuroGEOSS –SC: OpenSearch will be adopted for free in the GCI USGS clearinghouse (outside the project) –SC (ESA potential subcontract) Mirror of the GEOPortal Plugging components (easy) and integration of solutions/components that can require recoding or interfacing (complicated but possible with the resources we have) (if this work is unfinished is will be a pity but our dissemination capabilities are limited –There are Quality assurance and indications in the ER of Data Harmonization in AIP3 (to read in preparation for AIP4 participation) –Prepare something to the CFP in AIP based in quality elicitation, GEOSS metadata record with quality parameters and quality in pilot cases (March 2011) and respond the call for participation (May 2011) –EuroGEOSS: Shift complexity from users to systems Shirt complexity from users to developers
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 12 Summary and final comments GEOLabel –Coordination with EGIDA and GeoViQua. I will ta –Present a unified view to ST ( tasks.org/st0902) tasks.org/st0902 –Internal discussion in: –ISO 9001: Consistency in the process. Is characterized? is in a format that I can ingest? –Active/Interactive GEOLabel as a door to get more information and increase our hard/technical trust.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 13 Summary and final comments Quality requirements in different CoP –Indirect measures of wind in the see or in SST. Different instruments measures similar but different thinks. This ends to different definitions of the variables we are measuring –Catalogue that links to a satellite broadcast not to a URL. Where is the quality information? –Visualization: How to represent variances/covariances matrices –Combine estimates can give some indication –Carbon will be the next operational product –Moving sensors (error in position and values) –Propagation of uncertainties in WPS –Quality indicators/examples list twiki page.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 14 Thank you!! Uncertainties in the uncertainties (Philippe Peylin) Further details about GeoViQua: – –twiki.geoviqua.org The research project is in negotiation for funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under a possible grant agreement n° [265178].
® QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems Thanks