Themes of the 18th Century Food – food production, availability, variety Weather?
Themes of the 18 th Century Significance / difficulties in studying social history.
Themes of the 18 th Century Impact of literacy/ illiteracy on people of Europe during this time.
Themes of the 18th Century Marriage,Birth and Death – Rises/Decline/Reasons for – think late 18th early 19th C. Why did parents act the way they did towards their children?
Themes of the 18th Century The Family Structure
Themes of the 18th Century Childcare
Themes of the 18th Century Pre-/extra-marital Sex (Discuss pre-/extra-marital sex in the 18th C. i.e. How was premarital sex treated in the first half of the 18th Century? And its after effect (pregnancy)? How did this change ?)
Themes of the 18th Century People working away from home
Lively Discussion 18th Century Social History 1. What was characteristic of the Family in the 18th Century? Think structure. 3. Discuss pre-/extra-marital sex in the 18th C. i.e. How was premarital sex treated in the first half of the 18th Century? And its after effect (pregnancy)? How did this change ? 4. Discuss childcare in the 18th Century i.e.– begin with infancy of course – Discuss the good and the bad including attitudes toward children.
2. Discuss young people working away from home. i.e. Why and what did they encounter?
4. Discuss childcare in the Century 18th i.e.– begin with infancy of course – Discuss the good and the bad including attitudes toward children. 5. Generally, what did people do with their free time? 6. Generally, how was education conducted? 7. Generally, what was happening in religion – both Catholic and Protestant
Discuss Marriage and how it relates to events of the late 17 th early 18 th C. Discuss Deaths and Births and how they relate to events of the late 17 th early 18 th C. Discuss Agriculture and how it relates to events of the late 17th early 18th C.