“What? Where? When?” We learn Great Britain
Цели урока: Узнать много интересного о Великобритании Развить мышление, память, внимание Научиться работать в группах Научиться уважать иноязычную культуру
План: Представление команд 1 тур «Famous people of Great Britain» (фотоконкурс) 2 тур «Do you know that…» (тест) 3 тур «Brain ring» Подведение итогов
1 Tour “Famous people”
2 Tour “Test” 1.The official name of Britain is… Do you know that… 1.The official name of Britain is… a) Great Britain b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c) England 2.The capital of Great Britain is … a) London b) Liverpool c) Cambridge 3.The United Kingdom consists of … a) England and Scotland b) England, Scotland, Wales c) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 4. The head of the country is … a) the President b) the King or the Queen c) the Prime Minister 5.The symbol of England is …
2 Tour “Test” 6.The longest river in the UK … a) a rose b) a daffodil c) a thistle 6.The longest river in the UK … a) the Thamse b) the Shannon c) the Severn 7.The population of the UK is … a) over 15 million people b) over 57 million c) about 100 million people 8.British Parliament have 2 Houses - … a) the House of Lords and the House of Commons b) the House of Royal and the House of Poor c) the House of Rights and the House of Lefts 9.The most famous bridge (мост) in London is … a) London’s Bridge b) Thames Bridge c) Tower Bridge 10.The favourite sport in the UK is … a) baseball b) football c) golf
3 Tour “Brain ring” Question № 1 It’s a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. You can hear it every hour. What is the name of this sight?
Question № 2 It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place there.
Question № 3 There is a famous museum in Baker Street. What literary character is this museum devoted?
Question № 4 Do English pupil wear a uniform? If “yes”, then what uniform?
Welldone! Good bye!