This is an average week
MondayTuesdayWedsThursFriSatSun SCHOOL
Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Look at your schedule ◦ Are there any gaps/wasted time? ◦ Are there any breaks in your activities? ◦ Can you move anything around (homework to the afternoon so your evenings are free)? ◦ Do you cram on Sundays instead of doing work on Friday night or Saturday? ◦ Are you getting enough sleep? ◦ Can you move something 15 min- 1 hour earlier so you can get more sleep?
To prioritize is to put things in order of importance. Make with a list of things coming up. Include Due dates:
ActivityDue DateTime Needed Finish English paper2/292 hours – at least 4 nights of work (30 min each night) Shop for birthday present for Aunt 3/53 hours Study for Health quiz2/2410 minutes per night
Rank in order of importance ◦ 1- Most important – due soon ◦ Last one – not due until later
RankActivityDue DateTime Needed
Re-write your list based on your ranking This is now your priority to do list Type this up on nice paper. Post it in your bedroom or some place you look often Cross out anything you’ve done RE-WRITE a new list EVERY WEEK Use your PLANNER to help with your list This can include NON-SCHOOL activities
Are there any particular classes you notice that you do the best at? Why? What things DON’T get done on a regular basis? Do you rush certain assignments? Why? What can you do to slow down and take more time?
We tend to UNDERestimate how much time things will take The key is to OVER estimate. Give yourself MORE time for assignments. Allow yourself more days The POWER of revision is key The POWER of peer editing is helpful You have the POWER to give yourself more time for studies
Give yourself 10 minute study breaks Within those ten minutes: ◦ Do something NON-electronic ◦ Go for a walk ◦ Stretch/do yoga ◦ Eat a piece of fruit ◦ Exercise – jumping jacks, push ups – play basketball, some kind of heart-increasing activity ◦ Laugh
9-10 hours of sleep per night To get the best sleep: ◦ Create a relaxing environment ◦ Don’t study on your bed ◦ Pleasure read at least 10 minutes while in bed before going to sleep ◦ Have low lights an hour before bed ◦ Don’t use computers, phone, tv 1 hour before bed ◦ Scents like vanilla or lavender can make you sleepy ◦ Use deep breathing techniques ◦ When going to bed, think of a tranquil place
Draw the most relaxing place in your house. A place where you can go when you’re stressed.