CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Western Waters Digital Library Building a Multi-State Aggregated Collection Using CONTENTdm® Carol Hixson Head of Metadata and Digital Library Services Knight Library, University of Oregon Kenning Arlitsch Head of Information Technology Marriott Library, University of Utah
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Overview Led by Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Led by Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Funded by IMLS Funded by IMLS Objectives: Objectives: –Begin developing comprehensive information resource –Establish a viable technical infrastructure –Serve as a collaborative model Initial river basins focus: Initial river basins focus: –Platte, Colorado, Rio Grande, and Columbia
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Overview (cont’d) Geographically distributed collections Geographically distributed collections –12 of 30 GWLA institutions currently participate –Each site runs CONTENTdm server CONTENTdm Multi-Site Server at Univ. of Utah CONTENTdm Multi-Site Server at Univ. of Utah –harvests only metadata –creates aggregated index for single site search –results link out to remote sites Balancing local control vs. central usability Balancing local control vs. central usability
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Current Participants Arizona State U. Arizona State U. Brigham Young U. Brigham Young U. Colorado State U. Colorado State U. Oregon State U. Oregon State U. University of Arizona University of Arizona University of New Mexico University of New Mexico University of Oregon University of Oregon University of Nebraska University of Nebraska University of Nevada-L.V. University of Nevada-L.V. University of Utah University of Utah University of Washington University of Washington Washington State U. Washington State U.
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Challenges Metadata* Metadata* Searching aggregated metadata* Searching aggregated metadata* Selection of content Selection of content Communication* Communication* Technology Technology Consortia funding models Consortia funding models
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Metadata Challenges Project participants have agreed to follow the Western States Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices, version 2.0 Project participants have agreed to follow the Western States Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices, version 2.0 –The standards provide considerable latitude for some elements Some participants are harvesting from legacy collections that were created without reference to these standards Some participants are harvesting from legacy collections that were created without reference to these standards
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Different Application of Metadata Standards Digitization Specifications Digitization Specifications –Mandatory and repeatable –Not mapped to a Dublin Core element –Refers to a variety of standards –Lot of local latitude in: labeling field labeling field input standards input standards
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Application of Metadata Standards (Cont’d) Date.Original and Date.Digital Date.Original and Date.Digital –Both fields are mandatory (when applicable) –Western States Best Practices document gives clear guidance Both map to Dublin Core Date Both map to Dublin Core Date Both say to follow W3C – Date Time Format Both say to follow W3C – Date Time Format –yyyy-mm-dd ( for July 16, 1897)
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 DC Mapping and Aggregated Searching
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 UO’s Local Site
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Local Customized Search Interfaces
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Local Customized Search Interfaces
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 No Mapping to Encoding Schema
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Inconsistent Search Results
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Inconsistent Search Results (cont.)
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Selection of Content Selection of content is major challenge for any digital collection Selection of content is major challenge for any digital collection –Aggravated in a consortial environment Local sites focus on different aspects of the target audience Local sites focus on different aspects of the target audience Local sites involve different groups within the institution Local sites involve different groups within the institution Local sites have access to radically different source materials Local sites have access to radically different source materials Issue of legacy collections Issue of legacy collections
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Communication GWLA direction and oversight GWLA direction and oversight –Executive Board/Library directors (30) –Digital Projects Task Force WWDL communication forums WWDL communication forums –Electronic discussion list –Monthly reports and conference calls with project coordinators –Semi-annual meetings at ALA –Online repository for reports, standards, minutes, etc. Consortia are fragile Consortia are fragile –Misunderstandings arise as result of misinformation –Are problems result of software, our metadata, our interfaces? –Issues/concerns/opinions must be voiced openly
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Opportunities Widening use of metadata standards Widening use of metadata standards Collectively digitize more types of material Collectively digitize more types of material Develop consensus on methods for presenting different types of material Develop consensus on methods for presenting different types of material Improve CONTENTdm software by providing consortia feedback to DiMeMa Inc. Improve CONTENTdm software by providing consortia feedback to DiMeMa Inc.
CNI Task Force Meeting December 6, 2004 Website – Presentation - Carol Hixson, Head of Metadata and Digital Library Services Knight Library, University of Oregon (541) Kenning Arlitsch, Head of Information Technology Marriott Library, University of Utah (801) Adrian Alexander, Executive Director Greater Western Library Alliance (816) Contact Information