Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Primary and Secondary School
K ő rösi Csoma Sándor He set off for Asia in the early 19th century to find the ancestors of the Magyars, or any traces they may have left behind. At that time it was thought that the Magyars had come to the Carpathian Basin from Asia.
Studies Csoma had prepared for this journey from his childhood. Back in his native town of Nagyenyed in Transylvania, he studied Classics and learned several modern languages so that he could research the historical sources on the origins of that people.
Later he went to the University of Göttingen to study and he learnt Turkish, Arabic and Persian. He was fluent in thirteen living and dead languages by the time he set out in autumn (Today, our school also specializes in teaching languages.)
His greatest achievement was creating a Tibetan-English dictionary and a Tibetan grammar book.
He died in Darjeeling, India. He is said to have been able to read in seventeen languages. He is considered a Buddhist saint in Japan and in the East.
School-life Our school has three buildings and three sections as well: Junior Section (6-10 ys) Senior Section (10-14 ys) High School (14-19 ys) We celebrated the 30th anniversary of the school last year.
The Choirs In each section there is a choir with outstanding national results on different singing contests. Teaching singing is a speciality in our school.
The Campsite By Lake Tisza, we have a school- camp in Sarud. Sarud is a small village, close to a nature conservation area.
Traditions Sport camps: In summer: Canoeing on rivers Danube-tour But sometimes luck is against sportsmen…
Tisza-tour Hungarian- Ukrainian border Still not as high as the Eiffel Tower…
Dráva-tour The cheapest way of grass-cutting Copyright reserved
In winter: skiing in Rabka, Poland: Peaceful sunset Relaxing in the snow
Following K ő rösi’s tracks, we travel a lot: England-Wales Good, old cheese…
Advent in Vienna
Scotland Not the cheapest way of grass- cutting…
Regular programs Corridor Dancing- party French Night, where we perform scenes in French
German Night, where we perform scenes in German The Gala, where you can see the best students of the school performing
History-competition Traditional Hungarian folk dance
Festivals SUF-Sarud Underground Festival An annual music concert where the school bands play KUF K ő rösi Underground Festival Hairdressers needed!
Charity-work – gifts for Déva (poor orphans in Transylvania) Selective garbage collection
And much more…
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