Guiding Music & Movement Experiences
Benefits of Music helps convey a message builds creativity communicates feelings appreciation of music use and learn language concepts and vocabulary relives tension musical concepts helps grow cognitively and physically
Teacher’s Role Encourage FUN! Enuthusiasm
Teacher’s Role… encourage be patient smile, nod Music should occur throughout the day Avoid forcing children to participate encourage be patient smile, nod
Teaching Songs Be prepared! 3 Methods for Teaching a Song Sing clearly, use expression, proper pitch, and rhythm 3 Methods for Teaching a Song Phrase Method Whole Song Phrase/Whole Song Combo
Suggestions for Group Music Have children sit in circle or semi-circle All adults in room should take part Switch between active and quiet music Reward for positive behavior – “GREAT JOB!”
Movement Experiences explore the ways their bodies can move practice combining movement discover that ideas can be expressed through movement learn how movement is related to space
Sample Preschool Songs: Hello and Goodbye Song Pd. 3/6 preschool . . . Hello song Pd. 4/8 preschool . . . Goodbye song Days of the Week Song Themed songs for Preschool Sung to the tune of a common song Make up lyrics to the assigned theme
“Hello/Goodbye” Song Hello, hello, hello children hello! Hola, hola, hola ninos hola! Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye children goodbye! Adios, adios, adios ninos adios!
“Days of the Week” Song Sung to the tune of the Adams Family Days of the week (snap, snap) days of the week (snap, snap) days of the week, days of the week, days of the week (snap, snap) There’s Sunday and there’s Monday, there’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday, there’s Thursday and there’s Friday, and then there’s Saturday!
Im a little cowboy/cowgirl Sung to I’m A Little Teapot I'm a little cowboy/cowgirl. Here's my hat. (point to hat) Here are my spurs and here are my chaps. (Point to foot and legs) When I get up, I work all day, (Jump on work) I get on my horse and ride away (galloping motion).
Sung To: Wheels on the Bus Fish in the Sea Sung To: Wheels on the Bus The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim (make swimming movement) All through the Day The octopus in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle The octopus in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle All through the Day (make wiggle movement)