Multiplicity Fluctuations in 200 GeV Au-Au Collisions Zhengwei Chai Brookhaven National Laboratory for the Collaboration APS April Meeting, Denver, 2004
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai2 Collaboration Birger Back, Mark Baker, Maarten Ballintijn, Donald Barton, Russell Betts, Abigail Bickley, Richard Bindel, Wit Busza (Spokesperson), Alan Carroll, Zhengwei Chai, Patrick Decowski, Edmundo García, Tomasz Gburek, Nigel George, Kristjan Gulbrandsen, Clive Halliwell, Joshua Hamblen, Adam Harrington, Michael Hauer, Conor Henderson, David Hofman, Richard Hollis, Roman Hołyński, Burt Holzman, Aneta Iordanova, Jay Kane, Nazim Khan, Piotr Kulinich, Chia Ming Kuo, Willis Lin, Steven Manly, Alice Mignerey, Gerrit van Nieuwenhuizen, Rachid Nouicer, Andrzej Olszewski, Robert Pak, Inkyu Park, Heinz Pernegger, Corey Reed, Christof Roland, Gunther Roland, Joe Sagerer, Helen Seals, Iouri Sedykh, Wojtek Skulski, Chadd Smith, Maciej Stankiewicz, Peter Steinberg, George Stephans, Andrei Sukhanov, Marguerite Belt Tonjes, Adam Trzupek, Carla Vale, Sergei Vaurynovich, Robin Verdier, Gábor Veres, Peter Walters, Edward Wenger, Frank Wolfs, Barbara Wosiek, Krzysztof Woźniak, Alan Wuosmaa, Bolek Wysłouch ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORYBROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS PAN, KRAKOWMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWANUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO UNIVERSITY OF MARYLANDUNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai3 Particle production in Au-Au collisions is dominated by overlapping geometry of the colliding ions, thus the particle multiplicity mainly depends on the number of participants N part. Dynamical fluctuations other than statistical and N part fluctuations may provide insights on the intrinsic mechanisms of the particle production. Event-by-event multiplicity fluctuation could be a useful signature of the QGP-Hadron Gas phase transition due to the large difference of the degree of freedom between the two phases. Dynamical fluctuations are also related to particle correlations, such as jets, resonances and clusters. Fluctuations in Particle Production
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai4 Event-by-event fluctuation observable (C) Study multiplicity fluctuation using (C) = RMS of C distribution N1+N2N1+N2 N 1 - N 2 (C) = 1 for pure statistical fluctuations N part fluctuations suppressed in (C) (C) ≠1 indicates additional fluctuations
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai5 PHOBOS Detectors Beryllium Beam Pipe Paddle Trigger Counters Spectrometer Detectors (Silicon) Ring Multiplicity Detectors (Silicon) Cerenkov Trigger Counters Time of Flight Counters Octagon Multiplicity Detector and Vertex Detector (Silicon) Octagon
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai6 PHOBOS Capability in Charged Particle Multiplicity Analysis PHOBOS Multiplicity Detectors Acceptance Coverage ≤ ≤
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai7 Constructing Multiplicity in Au-Au Collisions Octagon silicon sensors provide 1.Number of hits (N hit ) 2.Sum of the angle-corrected dE for charged particles (E) N hit =N max (1-exp(-E/E max )) E max /N max : average dE by a charged particle in selected bin Occupancy-corrected multiplicity N = E /(E max /N max ) Multiplicities N 1, N 2 in forward and backward equal size bins N 1, N 2 (C) Energy (E) Number of hits (N hit )
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai8 Preliminary Fluctuation Analysis Result Data (C) agrees with Rec.Hijing+Geant (C) Data and Rec. MC (C) dominated by detector responses Estimated systematic error 5% (not shown) Phobos Prelim. Data Rec. Hijing+Geant Hijing (half ) (C)
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai9 Preliminary Fluctuation Analysis Result Data and Rec. MC (C) agree very well Hijing (C) increases with the separation in pseudo-rapidity space Estimated systematic error 5%(not shown) (C)
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai10 Fluctuation Sources in Rec. MC Multiplicity Acceptance Effects Secondaries dE/dx Fluctuations Landau fluctuation Velocity ( ) variation Hijing non-statistical fluctuations (physics) (C)
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai11 Preliminary Fluctuation Analysis Result Data and Rec. MC (C) increase with the bin size Hijing (C) increases with the bin size Estimated systematic error 5%(not shown) (C)
5/4/2004Zhengwei Chai12 Summary and Outlook Analyzed multiplicity fluctuation of the charged particle production in Au-Au collisions at =200GeV over wide pseudo-rapidity range (-3.0< <+3.0) The measured fluctuations in the Data are consistent with that in reconstructed Au-Au MC (Hijing + Geant) Current new dynamic fluctuation search is complicated by dominant detector responses The physics fluctuations grow with increasing bin separation ( ) and width ( ) and may be explained by jets or particle production in clusters Further studies are being extended to the full acceptance(-5.4< <+5.4) for a variety of beam energies