Theodore Roosevelts Progressivism Chapter 17 Sec 3
Roosevelt was the Governor of New York Political bosses in N.Y. wanted to make him Vice President to get him out of the State. 6 months later Pres. McKinley is killed T.R. became President at 42 years old. He promised people a Square Deal.
Teddys Beliefs Believed in a STRONG FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. (remember that?) He felt that the Federal government should be responsible whenever states proved incapable of dealing with a problem.
It is the duty of the president to act upon the theory that he is the steward of the people, and…to assume that he has the legal right to do whatever the needs of the people demand, unless the constitution or the laws explicitly forbid him to do it.
the specific evils you point out shall, if their existence shall be proved, and if I have the power, be ERADICATED!! to Upton Sinclair after reading The Jungle
Used his power to… Encourage an end to labor disputes Coal Strike A new principal intervene when public safety was threatened. Fight Trusts. TRUST BUSTER 4/5 th of all industries were controlled by trusts. Protect people from unsafe products. Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act Railroads Champion the Environment. Fight for civil rights Support publicly Accomplished little