Stella Bawden, Registration and Awards Manager Online Awarding Overview
Background The majority of Centres now register learners and generate their RACs on-line, using the new On-line Registration System (launched at the end of 2011). These tasks are performed by the Centre Administration Contact. When volume or number of sites makes it impossible for one person to hold this role, we have created the supporting role of Course Administration Contact. The Course Administration Contact can register learners and download RACs for specific courses only. The On-line Registration System will now be referred to as the On-line Registration & Awarding System.
Paper-based RACs The RAC is completed by the Course Tutor or Assessor, who signs the front sheet to confirm that the learners listed have met the requirements for the units and awards indicated.
Paper-based RACs The results sheet is a grid. The units are listed across the top and the learners listed down the left-hand side.
Paper-based RACs The units and awards achieved by each learner are indicated by choosing “achieved” from the drop down box - or by ticking if completed in hard copy.
Paper-based RACs The OCN Quality Reviewer, External Verifier or the authorised person within the Centre who holds Direct Claims Status, signs the RAC to confirm that the course has been verified in accordance with this OCN's guidelines and procedures and to agree the award of credit as indicated.
On-line Awarding The intention of the On-line Registration & Awarding System is to maintain the principles behind paper-based RAC but to streamline this into a purely electronic process. The RAC will still need to be completed but this will have to be done on the computer. There is no need to print the RAC. The approval of the RAC by the Quality Reviewer, External Verifier or approved person with Direct Claim Status is no less significant Authorising the award of credit should be approached with the same level of caution as you would give to signing a legal document!
On-line Awarding Process The results submission and verification process within the On-line Registration & Awarding System involves the following roles: RoleAppropriate person Centre Administration ContactExams Officer/Administrator Internal VerifierInternal Verifier/Lead Assessor ModeratorQuality Reviewer External Verifier Authorised Direct Claims Status
On-line Awarding Process Each course will be allocated at least one Internal Verifier and one Moderator. OCN will liaise with centres, as well as referring to existing contact information, about who holds these roles for each course. Once contact details are confirmed, usernames and passwords will be issued along with Guidance. OCN has made every effort to keep the Guidance issued as straightforward as possible. It is important to read the Guidance!
On-line Awarding Process The RAC will be downloaded by the Centre Administration Contact or Course Administration Contact. The RAC is a password protected Excel spreadsheet. Course and learner details CANNOT be amended. It is the duty of the Centre Administration Contact to pass the RAC onto the person within the centre who will complete the RAC. Once the RAC has been completed, the Centre Administration Contact or Course Administration Contact will upload the RAC from the Result Submission page of the On-line Registration & Awarding System.
On-line Awarding Process RAC uploaded by Centre Administration Contact Auto sent to Internal Verifier
On-line Awarding Process Once the RAC is submitted, an auto-generated is sent to the Internal Verifier. The Internal Verifier is confirming that the results are correct and that all internal QA processes have been completed satisfactorily. At least one Internal Verifier will be allocated to each course. The Internal Verifier can view and amend the RAC before either accepting (“verify”) or rejecting (“return”). This is done through the Results Verification page of the On-line Registration & Awarding System. If the RAC is rejected an explanation must be written in the “Mini Report” box on screen. If the RAC is accepted, any comments are optional.
On-line Awarding Process If the RAC is rejected, or “returned”, the whole process starts again. On the Administration page of the On-line Registration & Awarding System, the Cohort will show a status of “Awaiting Submission” A new RAC will have to be submitted by the Course Administration Contact. The RAC will have to be successfully verified by both Internal Verifier and Moderator before the process can be completed by OCN RACs can be “returned” by both the Internal Verifier and Moderator if either person is not satisfied that the results are correct or that internal QA processes have been completed satisfactorily.
On-line Awarding Process RAC uploaded by Centre Administration Contact Auto sent to Internal Verifier RAC checked and agreed by Internal Verifier Auto sent to Moderator
On-line Awarding Process Once the RAC is internally verified, an auto-generated is sent to the Moderator for them to complete the verification process. The Moderator is the person with Direct Claims Status authorised to moderate the course, an External Verifier, or the OCN Quality Reviewer. At least one Moderator will be allocated to each course. The Moderator can also view and amend the RAC before either “verify” or “return”. This is done through the Results Verification page of the On-line Registration & Awarding System. A “mini report” is required for “returned” RACs. The Moderator must also set a moderation date before verification can be completed.
On-line Awarding Process RAC uploaded by Centre Administration Contact Auto sent to Internal Verifier OCN produces Certificates and sends to Centre RAC checked and agreed by Moderator RAC checked and agreed by Internal Verifier Auto sent to Moderator
Authorising the award of credit should be approached with the same level of caution as you would give to signing a legal document!
On-line Awarding Process Once the verification process is complete, the RAC can be processed by OCN. The Centre Administration Contact will receive an to confirm that the RAC has been processed. They are also able to track the progress of the verification process from the Administration page of the On-line Registration & Awarding System. Once OCN has processed the results, certificates are printed, checked and posted to the Centre Administration Contact by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery.