KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool Users Guide
Why the TOB enhancements? KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide ReasonBenefit Increasing Self-Service and Control Participants will now have the ability to update their own data, update estimated data with actual data, add/deactivate staff, manage contact information online and print copies of reports without having to contact InteliFX. Enhancing SecurityEach participant staff will now have their own unique Username and Password, replacing the standard kcma/xxxx login used previously to enter the TOB. These credentials will be associated with a role, allowing either full or limited access to the system as defined by the Company Administrator. Real-Time Validation/ Increasing Report Accuracy Participants will receive real-time validation when entering data, eliminating the need to contact InteliFX when incorrect data is reported. If data is incomplete participants will receive a prompt prior to submission instructing them to complete their data. If data falls outside a pre-defined range from that previously reported by the participating company they will receive a prompt asking if their data submission is accurate. Increasing Report Timeliness Participants will now receive auto-responses when their data becomes delinquent, prompting them to submit their data for the given month. Audit TrailParticipants will now be able to view an “Audit Log” of all changes made to their data.
User Roles KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide RoleResponsibility Company Administrator (one person for each member company) Overall administration for participating company who can: -Add new staff members. -Submit financial data. -View reports for their respective company only. Data Entry (one person for each member company) -Submit financial data. Access to Reports multiple people in company -View reports for their respective company only. Data Entry & Access to Reports-Submit financial data. -View reports for their respective company only. The TOB tool will allow users to perform specific tasks based on the role assigned to them. A “role” is a set of actions that can be performed by a user. The table below describes the roles and associated tasks available in the TOB tool.
Tasks Available by Role KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide RoleTasks Available Manage Staff View Reports Enter Data Change PasswordLogout Company Administratorxxxxx Data Entryxxx Access to Reportsxxx Data View & Reporting Viewxxxx
Tasks KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide TasksFunction Manage StaffView list of staff with access to TOB. Add new, edit existing staff members. The Company Administrator is the only individual who can perform this task. Access to ReportsView list of available reports, including the Summary Report and Data Ranking Report. Data EntryEnter financial data for current and/or prior months. Change PasswordChange your password at any time. Anyone with a defined role and access to the TOB tool can change their password. LogoutEnd your session and logout of system.
Login KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide Each TOB user will login into the Online TOB tool with a unique username and password. Each participating company will identify a Company Administrator who will be assigned a unique Username and Password by InteliFX. The Company Administrator will then add additional users and assign their roles for their respective companies. Based on the role assigned by the Company Administrator users will have access to specific tasks. Participants will click “Forgot Password” link to receive a temporary password via after providing required details such as and loginID. This is your username & password used to access the KCMA Member Login Section. The temporary password can be used to access the TOB and will then be required to choose a permanent one. Enter Username and Password to access Online TOB tool.
Managing Staff – Company Administrator Only KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide Enter details of the new staff member. An will be sent to the new user’s address with a temporary password. Select the appropriate access level as defined under Roles. Click on the Username to view details of the staff member.
Only data field that cannot be changed by the Company Administrator. The staff member status can be set to “Active” or “Inactive”. Setting the status to “Inactive” will restrict user from accessing the TOB tool. Updating Staff Records – Company Administrator Only Clicking this button will “deactivate” the member so he/she will not be able to access the TOB tool. This is different from setting to “Inactive”. The latter can be re-activated at any time while the user once deleted cannot be re-activated KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide
Access & Viewing Reports KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide Step 2: Select the desired report. Depending on an individual’s defined role they will see the reports available. All reports are available to both the Company Administrator and the Data Entry & Report View roles. Data Entry only can view the Data Submitted/Not Submitted Reports and the Report Viewer can view the Ranking and Summary Reports. Step 3: Select the month/year and click the “Load Report” button to view the desired report. Step 1: Select View Reports
Summary Report - Sample KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide
Ranking Report - Sample KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide Participants can only view ranking data relevant to their company.
How to Enter Data – Data Entry Person Only Step 5: By selecting the “View Audit” users can view a log listing changes made to their data. It shows the date and time and the user making the change. KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide Step 3: Participants can add data for the current month or any prior month where edits need to be made. Step 4: Select the “Submit” button to enter data. Users will receive a prompt asking them to confirm data prior to submission. If required fields are left blank users will not be able to submit data. Sample Audit Log. Step 2: Select the month and year that you want to enter new or revise previously reported data. Step 1: Select Enter Data
Changing Passwords KCMA TOB Online Reporting Tool - Users Guide TOB participants can change their password at any time. They will enter their current password and then add a new password. After entering the new password, the member will click the Submit button to make the change. If a member has forgotten his/her password they can request a temporary password be sent to their account where they can then reset their password.