SiteSearch at Higher Elevations: New Developments at the Colorado Virtual Library
Brought to you by: Steve Gregory, Senior Programmer Steve Walker, Systems Administrator
What this Presentation Is Not
Fortunately We do have a user interface
Projects for 2001: Heritage: Gateway to Colorado's Digitization Projects Colorado Virtual Library for Kids SWIFT - StateWide Interlibrary loan Fast Track
Gateway to Colorado's Digitization Projects
Heritage gives you access to the digitized special collections and unique resources owned by Colorado's archives, historical societies, libraries and museums.
Online Demonstration
New interface style Colors, images, fonts Frameless
Metadata Dublin Core Metadata describing digitized objects is collected in an SQL database at a remote location
Metadata Dublin Core Metadata describing digitized objects is collected in an SQL database at a remote location This data is converted to SGML notation
Metadata Dublin Core Metadata describing digitized objects is collected in an SQL database at a remote location This data is converted to SGML notation SGML is fed to Database Builder
A typical SGML- encoded Dublin Core record
Using WebZ, we can search our local Dublin Core database together with MARC databases
Colorado Virtual Library
New Kid-Friendly Interface Style Bright colors on every screen Fun icons for every menu category A-to-Z subject lists
See it online at:
Parents’ View Uses CVL’s default interface style Links to: –Book AwardsBook Awards –Book Reviews and ListsBook Reviews and Lists –Reading to ChildrenReading to Children –Related ResourcesRelated Resources –HomeschoolingHomeschooling
Teachers’ View Uses CVL’s default interface style Search database by Colorado Education Content Standards Links to online resources for educators
Local Database Metadata is stored in Dublin Core format and can be updated online using Perl cgi programs (outside the SiteSearch environment)
Local Database Another Perl program translates the database to sgml notation nightly This sgml data is fed to database builder and becomes part of the SiteSearch environment
Administration Tools Online data entry forms Link verification A-to-Z subject lists “SetStyle” verb
Statewide Interlibrary Loan Lending requests are managed by “VDX” (Virtual Document Exchange) software made by Fretwell-Downing The patron’s interface is WebZ
Patrons must log in A SiteSearch verb uses JDBC to look up patron’s registration info in the VDX Oracle database WebZ’s Access Component is not used WebZ runs on our Solaris server, while the Oracle database is housed on an NT
Search for desired materials After patron has authenticated, a “request” button appears on the full record display for library materials
Request the book Patron fills out a form indicating loan preferences Once submitted, the request is transmitted via from the SiteSearch environment to the VDX environment
View my Active Requests A SiteSearch gadget makes a JDBC call to the VDX Oracle database and looks up all active requests for the current user, and displays these in an html table
Blank request forms Books Journal Articles
Pick List Library staff can view a list of books that they need to pull from the shelves to fill loan requests
Visions for the Future Community Information Database GIS Integration
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