Vocab Ch. 16 – Benelux, Switzerland, and Austria Benelux Austria Switzerland Potpourri
Vocab 100 Enhancement of dirt and rock used to hold back water Timer
Vocab 200 Land reclaimed from the sea Timer
Vocab 300 A political division of Switzerland; a state Timer
Vocab 400 A loose organization of states in which the central government has less power than the smaller units Timer
Vocab 500 To transfer power to smaller regions Timer
Benelux 100 Name the Benelux countries Timer
Benelux 200 Name the smallest Benelux country Timer
Benelux 300 Name one of the two important port cities of the Netherlands Timer
Benelux 400 Name the two ethnic groups that make up most of Belgium’s population. Which group historically had more power? Timer
Benelux 500 Explain why Luxembourg has such as successful economy Timer
Austria 100 Which side was Austria aligned with in WWI – Germany or the Great Britain? Timer
Austria 200 True or False – Austria has more natural resources than Switzerland Timer
Austria 300 Besides agriculture, what are other industries that make up Austria’s economy? Timer
Austria 400 When did Austria acquire its present borders? Timer
Austria 500 In which region do most of Austria’s people live? Timer
Switzerland 100 Which mountain range make Switzerland a tourist destination? Timer
Switzerland 200 What type of farming does Switzerland’s economy rely on? Timer
Switzerland 300 Switzerland exports chocolate and cheese because these products last longer than unprocessed milk products which are these types of goods Timer
Switzerland 400 This industry is very important to the Swiss economy. The system is known for its reliability, security, and privacy Timer
Switzerland Name Switzerland’s official languages Timer
Potpourri 100 The current vice- president of the US Timer
Potpourri 200 Describe how the people of the Netherlands have interacted with their environment to protect their agriculture Timer
Potpourri 300 Why are the Benelux countries known as the “low countries”? Timer
Potpourri Name a famous composer who lived in Austria Timer
Potpourri 500 How has the Belgian government attempted to fix inequality among the two main ethnic groups of Belgium Timer