Planting the Seed of Nationhood 1815-1855 Why were some events in Canada’s history key in allowing us to become a nation? Group 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Planting the Seed of Nationhood Why were some events in Canada’s history key in allowing us to become a nation? Group 2

Who occupied each colony in Upper and Lower Canada Lower Canada  Population increased from: in 1806 to in 1841  Very high Birthrates among French speaking population  In addition British and American immigrants settled the eastern townships that had been set aside for English speaking farmers Upper Canada  Before 1812 loyalists settled upper Canada  After 1812 a wave of settlers from great Brittan took their place  Population Increased from: in 1806 to in 1841  1815 the population was 80% American born  1841 almost 50% British immigrants

Upper and Lower Canada Life in Lower Canada  Male ruling society  3 major groups- French Speaking Habitants, French Speaking Professional Men, and English Speaking Merchants  The French scared of Adapting to the English way of life  Merchants were newcomers of lower Canada  Wanted roads, and harbours-paid from government taxes  Professional Men well educated, wanted to lead the colonies  Saw British as cultural threat formed a party called “ parti canadiens”

3 main groups  French Speaking Habitants (Tenant Farmers) – Main Concern: Scarcity of Land, Poverty, Fear of English Speaking new comers  English Speaking Merchants (Rich, Powerful) – Main Concern: Infrastructure  French Speaking Professional Men (Newest “Group”) – Separate French/ Canadian nation Life in Upper Canada Daily Life in Upper Canada  More fields were cleared in Upper Canada  Villages began to grow in places that were not convenient for farmers Kingston  Developed as a British military for lake Ontario  Was the largest and most important town in Upper Canada for many years York  Queen’s rangers began clearing land to build a fort in 1793  In 1834, it was renamed Toronto

Services in the Towns  By the 1840’s cities were installing sewer systems  In the 1820’s and 1830’s started to establish volunteer fire departments Transportation  Walking was often the safest and fastest way to get around  Unpaved streets in towns were unpaved streets turned to mud Louis-Joseph Papineau  Strong supporter of the old French order in Lower Canada  Served as a officer in the military defending British North America during the war of 1812  Elected to be in the legislative assembly of Lower Canada in 1809  Leader of Parti Candien

Government of Upper and Lower Canada Government of Lower Canada  Established by Constitutional act in 1791  Power limited by governors and councils  Members of legislative councils were voted in for life  English concerns were usually different from French concerns  The group which the most power was Chateau Clique  Believed that power should be in hands of a few capable people  Wanted the Roman Catholic church to stay power Government of Upper Canada  In 1830 government remained the same as the constitutional act in 1791  Two political groups the Torries and the Reformers  Appointed Legislative council to Executive council  Elected the Legislative Assembly

The Unrest in Lower Canada  French and English speaking merchants wanted different things for lower Canada  Merchants wanted to improve roads, canals and harbours  Immigration caused problems  Chateau Clique was encouraging immigration from great Britain  In 1832 and immigrant ship brought a deadly disease, cholera  The disease 5500 victims

The armed Rebellion in Upper and Lower Canada Lower Canada  An armed conflict between lower Canada and the British Colonial, power of that province  The political leader was Joseph Papinea  The Canadians were ready to fight on November 1837  British troops charged and the Rebellions lost  The largest battle was held at St. Eustach on December 14, 1837  The Rebel leader, Dr. J.Q. Chenier along with rebels died  The British robbed and burned their village Upper Canada  Rebellion against the British colonial government in 1837 and 1838  After the war of 1812 family compact owned most land “Crown Reserves” and “Protestant Clergy”  The lower Canada broke out in autumn 1837 Bond Head sent all British troops to help suppress it  Short Fight (less than 30 minutes) the battle finished and the rebel forces retreated  1860’s former rebels compensated by the Canadian government

Family Compact  Upper Canada has an elite called Family Compact  Was a small group of powerful people in the colony of upper Canada  Along with friends and supporters were know as Tories  Did not want Americans to be part of the government in Upper Canada  Defended tradition (The things that had always been done) and opposed change  Believed power should be in the hands of a few capable people (themselves)  Believed the church of England should be powerful in the colony  Were loyal to great Brittan and the British government  They had power to stop any laws passed by the legislative assembly  Most Family Compact members were British immigrants who arrived before the 1800’s

The Reformers What did they oppose?  Opposed the power of the Family Compact  Wanted changes in government and society of Upper Canada  Divided into moderate and radical groups  Included some radicals who later became rebels  Robert Gurley ( ) arrived in Upper Canada in 1817  His plan was to bring poor people to farm in New Britain  He sent a questionnaire famers to see hoe their progress was  He also asked them to name thing that prevented in their towns  He criticized Family Compact

Aftermath of the Rebellion  Upper Canada was very short and disorganized  London government was concerned about Rebellion  Bond Head was recalled in 1837 he was replaced with Sir George Arthur  Lord Durham assigned to report grievances among the colonists and find a way to appease them  Lord Durham’s report led to the union of Upper and Lower Canada into the province of Canada in 1840

Lord Durham’s Report Two Major recommendations in his report are: 1.The two colonies should become one called the United Province of Canada 2.The United Colony should have a responsible government  The British imperial poers(?) should be sent out in writing. All other legal poer(?)  Would be handled by the colonies Executive council and would be advised  The governor stayed neutral but signed things by the executive council  The executive council was not picked from the government but was chosen by leaders of other groups (legislative assembly) this is called “Responsible government”  Members of the executive council would stay in the council if half of the legislative assembly supports them Personal Information   Arrived in Quebec city as a governor general of British north America in 1838  Interested in education the poor

The Act of Union (1841)  Since the Rebellion wanted a better and responsible government British passed a law called the Act of Union  British government acted on one of Lord Durham’s recommendations  The act of union joined in Upper and Lower Canada as the united province  The two aims of the British were to control the two colonies of Canada into one and give the English people control of the newly named colony and to have a new colony with a responsible government  They also established English as the official language of government

References Canada_upper_lower_map.