(Jacksonian Democracy- Beginning of Civil War) Sarah Cho, Sheena Chu, and Tyler Otahal
What set off the Nullification Crisis in South Carolina? A. Compromise of 1850 B. Controversy over slavery C. Election of 1828 D. Peggy Eaton E. Fear of the slave issue being addressed
Why did Andrew Jackson initiate the Bank war? A. He hated money B. The anti-bank philosophy of Jacksonian Democracy in which it was thought that the bank was using money to influence politics (against him). C. He had an old grudge against a banker D. His father was a banker E. He enjoyed pet banks
How did Andrew Jackson appoint federal offices? A. Popular sovereignty B. Merit C. Spoils System D. Pity E. With the Tenure of Office Act
What set the renewed agitation over the Brooks- Sumner issue in motion? A. The Great Compromise of 1850 B. The Missouri Compromise C. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions D. The Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854 E. The Tariff of Abominations
Why did squatter sovereignty, (popular sovereignty) come about? A. To allow the controversial issue of slavery to be accepted by both the north and the south in their own terms B. National leaders were pro- choice C. To force the people in the South to agree to use compensated emancipation to abolish slavery. D. A fair system was wanted by the people E. Slavery was not controversial
What is the best description of clothing during the Jacksonian period? A. The upper class wore silk clothing while the lower and middle class wore rough clothing. B. Men and women of all classes wore long sleeved shirts, long pants or skirts, and had long hair. C. All women wore the same style dress, and men had short hair and wore pantaloons, with subtle differences in taste or quality of material. D. Lower class people wore dark colors while upper and middle class people wore bright colors to make them stand out in the crowd. E. Lower class people wore bright clothing, so the upper and middle class could easily pick them out and laugh at them.
In 1860, what percentage of white Southerners belonged to slave-owning families? A. 99% B. 10% C. 75% D. 50% E. 25%
Slaveholders justified slavery by… A. The fact that they had paid money for them B. Giving the slaves half of their profits C. Treating them as their equal D. Supposed mental and moral inferiority of Africans E. Promising the slaves freedom
Which of the following contributed to the increase of slaves? A. The upper South was moving back to agriculture after failed industrialization B. The invention of the Cotton Gin C. The rise of King Sugar D. The discovery of how to grow rice and sugar on small farms E. The number of slaves didnt increase, it decreased.
Which of the following was NOT a proslavery argument? A. Enslavement was the natural and proper status for people of African descent B. Slavery was enforced by the Bible and Christianity C. Blacks are naturally dependent D. Blacks love being tortured and enjoy working as much as possible for Whites E. Master-slave relationships were more humane than employer-wage laborers
Which of the following didnt provide the United States with more land? A. Gadsden Purchase B. Manifest Destiny C. Adams- Onis Treaty D. Webster- Ashburton Treaty E. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Wilmot Proviso did what to the US expansion? A. Made Mexico give Texas to the United States. B. Ended the Mexican American War. C. It stated that all land acquired from the Mexican American War would be slave free. D. Wanted all territories gained from the Mexican American War to be slave territory E. All disputed land from the Mexican American war would be returned to Mexico
The Free Soil party wanted all of the following except? A. Slavery in the United States territories B. President Martin Van Buren to be reelected. C. Remove existing laws that discriminated against freed blacks D. Homestead act and a tariff for revenue only E. Free Soil Party wanted all of the above
The fugitive slave act denied blacks all of the following except? A. The right to testify on their own behalf B. The right to a jury C. The right to walk freely D. The right to basic constitutional rights E. The right to be returned to their previous white slave owner
The know-nothing party pushed for all of the following except? A. To strengthen the immigrant voting power B. Immigrants to be departed from America C. Destroying the immigrant vote D. Reducing immigrant jobs