Youth Engagement Elements Michael Hussey & Peter Oliver
Why Youth Engagement? Ensure that we: –Remain focused on the needs of young people –Gain relevant feedback –Involve young people in the planning of their section –Provide young people with the opportunity to experience leadership –Engage in and influence our communities –Involve young people in decision making processes –Provide opportunities for young people to enhance skills
Theme 1 Feedback from Young People participating within a Section; via your Section Leader: –Led by the Section Leadership Teams –Provides opportunities for young people to comment on and influence the programmes and activities of their Section
Theme 2 Engagement of Young People leading within a Section; via your Group Leader: –Led by Group Leaders –Provides opportunities for leaders of young people (i.e. Sixers, PLs and Young Leaders) to represent the views of their peers and influence wider planning of Sections –Provides opportunities for these young people to directly engage in the planning process of Sections
Theme 3 Community and political engagement; via the County –Led by the County and District Teams –Provides opportunities for young people to experience, engage and influence other community organisations and political representatives –Also provides an opportunity for young people to contribute to social change –Opportunities at national and local level
Theme 4 Young People directly engaged in decision making processes within Scouting; via the County –Led by Young People; empowered by the County Executive and District Teams –Provides opportunities for young people to directly contribute to decision making processes taking input from all other areas of youth engagement –Facilitated by the County Youth Forum –Truly and directly influences strategic, tactical and operational decision making
Youth Forum Policy Defines how the Youth Forum is constituted and operated as part of the County Executive Committee
Opportunities & Events UKHQ-led: –Party Conference Scouts Speak Up –National AGM –National Conferences County-led: –Local Annual Scouts Speak Up –Youth Forum Events and Meetings –County Executive Meetings –County Residential –County and Community Events –Police and Crime Commissioner Youth Advisory Group