1 Lab7 Design and Implementation
2 Design Example : Parity checker
3 Computer to Spartan-6 USB Port Spartan-6 PC
5 Power to Board 變壓 整流器 AC 110V DC 5V
6 Create a New Project
7 Enter a Name and Location for the Project 檔名開頭請勿使用數字或特殊符號並不要使用中文為檔名
8 Select Device Family, Package, Device and Speed Grade 1 2
9 Finish
10 Create a New File 1.Right Click 2
11 Create a New Module 1 2. Type “ logic ”
12 Define I/O Port 1.Type x,y,z,f 2.Select I/O
13 Finish
14 Type 1.Type 2.Remember to save the file
Check Synthesize 2.Double Click 1.Double Click
16 Add Verilog Test Fixture 1.Right Click 檔名開頭請勿使用數字或特殊符號 並不要使用中文為檔名
17 Finish 1 2
Test bench Remember to save the file
Generate Expected Simulation Result Double Click
20 Click Zoom Full 1.Run all2.Click
21 Result f=x^y ^z
Enter the PlanAhead Double Click
23 Pins Assign User I/O FPGA Pin Signal LED1 E13 f Sw1 D14 x Sw2 E12 y Sw3 F12 z
24 Assign pins [1] key in 4
25 Assign pins [2] key in
26 Assign pins [3] key in
27 Assign pins [4] key in 4. Save
It’s Generate by PlanAhead 28 1.Double Click 2.
29 Run “ Implement Design ” 1 2. Double Click
30 Select FPGA Start-Up Clock to JTAG Clock 1. Right Click
31 Generate Bitstream File Double Click
32 Run “ Configure Device ” Double Click 此時請務必將版子接上
Create a New Project on ISE iMPACT
34 Select Boundary.. and Automatically … 2 1
35 Select “ logic.bit file ” 1.Double click 2
Press “ok” 36
37 Right-click to select operation 2 1.Right Click
38 Program Succeeded Check the Result on spartan-6
39 Check the Result on spartan-6 DIP SWITCH LED
40 Question and Answer 歷史人物中,誰跑最快 ?