Welcome to Physics 432 Mr. Goznikar
What is technology? What is science?
Science is a process which involves analyzing data, discovering facts and relationships between observable phenomenon, and organizing this information into theories and laws. The process often involves communication and collaboration with others.
Skills employers look for: Communication Skills Analytical Skills Interpersonal skills Organizational Skills
What differentiates physics from the other sciences?
Well, …Chemistry is about how matter is put together and combines to form the materials around us. Biology is still more complex, and involves live systems of matter. Physics involves the investigation of natural phenomenon such as motion, forces, matter, energy, light, heat, sound, radiation, the composition of atoms and sub-atomic particles, etc. So, physics is the most basic science and a solid understanding of physics leads to a better understanding of the other sciences.
In this class, all of you will be physicists. You will be classifying, testing hypotheses, looking for relationships between observable variables, developing and testing theories, and often representing your conclusions with a mathematical formula.
Although physics is the most fundamental science, for some it is not often the easiest. Perhaps this is because we all have ideas about how the world around us works – our concept of nature. Science forces us to challenge these concepts. When our current understanding turns out to be incorrect, these conceptions are then really mis-conceptions and are difficult to change. The processes of collecting, organizing, analyzing, collecting data, and forming conclusions becomes easier with practice.
Lets start classifying familiar concepts… Consider the concept of motion. It turns out that there are two different kinds (classifications) of motion. What do you think these two kinds are?
The two classifications are: 1. 2.
The two classifications are: 1. Objects which move with a constant velocity. 2. Objects which change their velocity.
SPEED may be defined as the rate at which an objects distance changes per some time interval. VELOCITY is speed in a specific direction. ACCELERATION may be defined as the change in speed, or direction, or both.
Lets consider some examples.