Making A Hologram
What is a hologram? A hologram is a 3-D image constructed from the interference of two coherent light beams; a reference beam, and an object beam. The object beam possesses the intensity and spatial information regarding the object as a result of reflecting off the object. The reference beam comes directly from the source and interferes with the object beam. As these two beams meet at the holographic film, an interference pattern (hologram) results.
Choosing an Object The following criteria should be considered when choosing your object… –It should be made of a solid material such as keys, or pocket change. No furry objects or fabrics. –It must appear bright when illuminated with red laser light. No dark colored objects. –It must not move or deform. –Shiny, bright ceramic figurines work great!
An Overview of the Process We will be constructing a white light reflection hologram. Utilizing the contact copy method, the holographic plate (holoplate) is leaned directly against the object during the exposure process. After exposure, the holoplate is developed in a dark room (green light only). The holoplate is EXTREMELY sensitive to vibration during the exposure process. Therefore NO TALKING is permitted during the process (the hologram results from interference of light waves). You will be asked to REMAIN STILL ( NO WALKING). You will, however be allowed to breathe…
The Details Place a latex glove on the hand with which you will be holding the holographic plate (holograf). The object will be held with your other hand. Wait on the right side of the room (facing my desk) until called upon to start the process. The vertical notebook at my desk acts as the shutter. Make sure that the notebook prevents light from shining on the sandbox. Place your object in the middle of the sandbox. I will place the holograf on your object at the proper angle.
The Details Wait 10 seconds, then lift the notebook off the table…the notebook should still be blocking the laser light. Wait 5 more seconds. Bring the notebook towards you, exposing the holograf and object to the laser light. Expose the holograf for 20 seconds. Block the light with the notebook, then set it GENTLY onto the desktop. Pick up your holograf carefully, grasping the EDGES with your gloved hand, your object with the other. Go to the table nearest you to rinse your holograf. GENTLY swish your holograf. It MUST NOT touch the bottom of the dish. Do this for 10 seconds, then place a paper plate under your holograf (to prevent drips) as you move to the next tray on your left. Swish in the Developer for 30 seconds (grasp EDGES).
The Details Now advance to the nest table to rinse again for 30 seconds (use that paper plate to avoid drips, again). Swish in bleach until it turns clear in about 60 seconds. Rinse again for 30 seconds. Swish in Wetting Solution for 30 seconds. Lastly, rest the hologram nearly vertically in the paper bowl. Your name should already be on the bowl. Let it dry until tomorrow.
Viewing Your Hologram The hologram may be illuminated with white light (other than fluorescent lights). Spot lights are best. They should be oriented at the same position the original source was at. The hologram may be viewed with the light source reflecting off the hologram, so this is a REFLECTION hologram. If monochromatic and coherent light is shone THROUGH the plate in order to view the hologram, the hologram is a TRANSMISSION hologram.