Several factors lead to World War I, a conflict that devastates Europe and has a major impact on the world. Allied soldiers climbing over trenches on first day of the costly Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916). SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 Marching Toward War Europe Plunges into War A Global Conflict A Flawed Peace
CORE OBJECTIVE: Analyze the causes and effects of World War I. Objective 10.3: Analyze the how the conflict goes global and the Allies push to victory. THEME: At the beginning of the 20 th century, a terrible war begins in Europe that will claim over 8 million lives.
World War I spreads to several continents and requires the full resources of many governments
Germany seeks to control Atlantic Ocean to stop supplies to Britain The U.S. is giving supplies to Britain on passenger ship (non-military) Germany uses unrestricted submarine warfare ships near Britain sunk without warning Halts policy in 1915, after sinking of Lusitania (angers U.S.) Renews unrestricted policy in 1917, hopes to starve Britain quickly Renewal of policy and effort to enlist Mexico anger U.S. (Zimmerman Note) U.S. declares war against Germany in April 1917, joining Allies due to continued sinking of U.S. ships
World War I becomes total war—nations devote all resources to war Governments take control of economy to produce war goods Nations turn to rationing — limiting purchases of war-related goods Propaganda — one-sided information to build morale, support for war
At home, many women fill jobs previously held by men Women plowed fields, paved streets, and built tanks in factories Many women also experience the war by working as nurses Most left the work field after the war, but it changed views about women’s abilities
The last Czar of Russia – Nicholas II The first Communist leader of Russia – Vladimir Lenin
With the Russian Revolution (March 1917) Czar Nicholas II was overthrown However, the new Republican government remained involved in the unpopular war In the spring of 1918, Germany provided safe passage for Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, from Switzerland to Russia. Th e Bolsheviks successfully overthrew the Russian republican government and create a communist government Russia signs treaty with Germany in March 1918, pulls out of war The 1918 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia leads to Russia exiting WWI, which puts the Allies in position to lose the war to Germany
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (Russia-Germany) withdraws Russia from war; hurts Allies – Germany concentrates on Western front. o The resulting truce ceded valuable Russian land to Germany o Before the arrival of American troops, Germany was able to gain ground in France, coming within 50 miles of Paris in May 1918 (near Marne River) o With Russia gone, Germany moves most forces to Western Front Allies turn the tide and win Chateau-Thierry (June 4) & the 2 nd Battle of the Marne in July 1918 Finally, the German army was driven to full retreat in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive Began on September 26, 1918 and ended on November 11
In the face of Allied attacks and domestic revolutions, the Central Powers collapsed one by one. Austria-Hungary splintered into smaller nations of ethnic groups that revolted against the empire German soldiers mutinied, feeling that defeat was inevitable. Kaiser of Germany fled to Holland; new German republic signed an armistice, or cease-fire, at 5am on November 11, 1918 which ended WWI.
War takes heavy toll: 8.5 million soldiers dead, 21 million wounded Many more had lost limbs or been blinded by poison gas. War devastates European economies, drains national treasuries Many acres of land and homes, villages, towns destroyed The influenza epidemic of 1918 killed more people than all of the wartime battles. Believed to be carried by Americans - Could kill within days Estimated ½ million in U.S. and 30 million worldwide perish The Armenian Genocide In an act of genocide, or organized killing of an entire people, the Ottoman Empire had murdered thousands of Armenians suspected of disloyalty to the government.
Besides submarine warfare, what is another cause for the U.S. entering WWI? (A) The United States sinking three German submarines (B) A note from Germany to Mexico encouraging war against the U.S. (C) An attack on a U.S. airbase in Hawaii (D) a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage Which of these is best describes the eastern front? (A) German plan to defeat France, then fight Russia (B) heavy battle zone in northern France (C) site of main fighting along the German-Russian border (D) a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage
What is a stalemate? (A) When countries come together to make treaties outlawing war (B) a new style of war that uses new technologies like poison gas (C) a type of warfare fought in underground ditches (D) a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage Which of these is best describes the eastern front? (A) German plan to defeat France, then fight Russia (B) heavy battle zone in northern France (C) site of main fighting along the German-Russian border (D) a situation in which neither side is able to gain an advantage