CTAG OSGi Activities Eindhoven, 22/3/07 Silvia Alén González Software Engineer Infotainment & Software Area
CTAG - fields of competence CTAG is a technological automotive centre located in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain
CTAG - Innovation Division ADAS & DYNAMICS COMMUNICATION AND MOBILITY COMFORT HMI / ERGONOMICS HW / SW ELECTRONIC ARCHITECTURE ERTICO partner since 2005 AUTOSAR associate members since January 2006 Electronics & ITS
Current work: Planning to migrate our distributed infotainment applications into OSGi services. Developing a Navigation OSGi interface. Research into ubiquitous programming, discovering services in a pervasive environment, using semantics and context to choose the best service. Work in progress
Next architecture (?)
OSGi limitations: No HMI capabilities No natural integration with AUTOSAR Not optimized for embedded systems No real time constraints Limitations in resource discovery Limitations in dependency resolution Not distributed Limitations
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