John (Jack) W Rendel1 Jesus came for … confused people Mark 8:14-9:1
John (Jack) W Rendel 2 Confused people Mark 8:14-9:1 n 8:14-21 Comprehension n 8:22-26 Clarity n 8:27-30 Christ n 8:31-9:1 Cross
John (Jack) W Rendel 3 Confused people Mark 8:14-9:1 Compre- hension Clarity Christ Cross
John (Jack) W Rendel 4 Confused people n 8:14-21 Comprehension n The leaven of the Pharisees and Herod n Religious and political programs and Jesus n 12 baskets, 7 baskets
John (Jack) W Rendel 5 Confused people n 8:22-26 Clarity n A blind man partially healed sees men as trees walking n Afterwards he is completely healed and sees clearly
John (Jack) W Rendel 6 Confused people n 8:27-30 Christ n Who am I? n The people and Jesus’ identity n A prophet or the Christ n The confession of Peter
John (Jack) W Rendel 7 Confused people n 8:31-9:1 The Cross n The leaders and Jesus’ death n Things of man and God n Deny self, take up cross, and follow - his glory n Sinful and adulterous GENERATION
John (Jack) W Rendel 8 Confused people Mark 8:14-9:1 n 8:14-21 Comprehension n 8:22-26 Clarity n 8:27-30 Christ n 8:31-9:1 Cross