MODELS 2013 Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 16th International Conference Miami, Florida - USA 29 September 2013 through 4 October 2013
Papers Farias, Kleinner, et al. "Analyzing the Effort of Composing Design Models of Large-Scale Software in Industrial Case Studies. Selim, Gehan, et al. "Automated Verification of Model Transformations in the Automotive Industry." Fondement, Frédéric, et al. "Big Metamodels Are Evil."
Analyzing the Effort of Composing Design Models of Large-Scale Software in Industrial Case Studies MC Steps: 1.Model Composition 2.Detect inconsistencies 3.Resolve them Different changes Composition effort Influential factors Industry cases: Kleinner Farias[], Alessandro Garcia[], Jon Whittle[Lancaster University, UK], and Carlos Lucena []
Analyzing the Effort of Composing Design Models of Large-Scale Software in Industrial Case Studies Critical factors - > Effort to combine design models(1), detect(2) & resolve inconsistencies(3) in practice 5 industry cases: MC-> to evolve and reconcile large-scale design models AIMS: 1. the extent of composition effort >changes 2. identifying and analyzing their influential factors. HOW: A series of 297 evolution scenarios was performed on the target systems, leading to more than 2 million compositions of model elements. FINDINGS: 1. the inconsistency resolution effort is much higher than the upfront effort to apply the composition technique and detect inconsistencies; 2. the developer’s reputation significantly influences the resolution of conflicting changes; 3. and the evolutions dominated by additions required less effort. Kleinner Farias[], Alessandro Garcia[], Jon Whittle[Lancaster University, UK], and Carlos Lucena []
VCS Automated Verification of Model Transformations in the Automotive Industry. PROBLEM: automated verification of industrial model transformations GM-to-AUTOSAR transformation verification -> the satisfiability of a transformation model, with respect to well-formedness OCL constraints. IMPLEMENTATION: A prototype for the ATL language to reason about the correctness of an ATL RESULTS: 1. the verification results of this transformation 2. the practicality of using such tools on industrial size problems 146 corporate members as of October 2012 Gehan M. K. Selim[Queen's University, CA], Fabian Buttner[INRIA, Nantes, France], James R. Cordy[Queen's University, CA], Juergen Dingel[Queen's University, CA], and Shige Wang[General Motors Research,US]
Automated Verification of Model Transformations in the Automotive Industry. Gehan M. K. Selim[Queen's University, CA], Fabian Buttner[INRIA, Nantes, France], James R. Cordy[Queen's University, CA], Juergen Dingel[Queen's University, CA], and Shige Wang[General Motors Research,US]
Big Metamodels Are Evil Package Unmerge - A Technique for Downsizing Metamodels PROBLEM & MOTIVATION: Reuse -> keeping irrelevant concerns in derived elements Additive techniques [profiling & package merge] -> harmful overheads of complexity for both tool builders and users CONTRIBUTION: «package unmerge» - a proposal for a subtractive relation between packages Frédéric Fondement, Pierre-Alain Muller, Laurent Thiry, Brice Wittmann, and Germain Forestier - Université de Haute Alsace,France
Big Metamodels Are Evil Package Unmerge - A Technique for Downsizing Metamodels Frédéric Fondement, Pierre-Alain Muller, Laurent Thiry, Brice Wittmann, and Germain Forestier - Université de Haute Alsace,France