The traditional border of Europe and Asia lies at the eastern foot of the Urals, northern coasts of the Caspian Sea and across the Azov and Black Seas. The area of Europe is 10.1 million sq km. Europe is separated from Africa by the straight of Gibraltar. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and by the Arctic Ocean in the north.
¼ of the territory of Europe is occupied by peninsulas. That makes nearly 730 thousand sq km. The largest of them are Scandinavian, Pyrenean, Apennine, Balkan. There are also some bays. Among the biggest you can see the Bay of Biscay.
A lot of seas wash Europe. They are the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the Aegean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionic Sea. Along the coasts of Europe there are many islands. The biggest of them is Great Britain. Its area is 230 thousand sq km.
The relief of Europe is various, but not complicated. There are some small plains and highland in Europe. The biggest of them is the East- European Plain. Most territory here is occupied by mountain ranges. The biggest of them are the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathians, the Caucasus. They all are of young age.
Old mountains of Europe are the Urals and the Scandinavian Mountains. The highest mountain in Europe is Mont Blanc (4 807 km). The highest volcano is Etna (3 323 km).
The climate on the biggest part of Europe is temperate. In the west it is oceanic and in the east it is continental. Far north on some islands it is arctic and subarctic. In the south the climate is mediterranean.
Almost all rivers in Europe flow into the Atlantic Ocean. They rise in the mountains. They are the Seine (776 km), the Vistula (1 047 km), the Oder (854 km), the Elbe (1 165 km), the Danube (2 850 km), the Rhine (1 320 km), the Don (1 870 km), the Dnieper. The longest river here is the Danube. The second largest river is the Don.
The Volga (3 531 km) is the longest river in Europe falls into the inner sea – the Caspian Sea, which is sometimes called the greatest salt lake. There are some lakes in Europe. The biggest of them are Lake Geneva in the Alps (310 m deep), Lake Onezhskoe (127 m deep), Lake Ladozhskoe (230 m deep).
There are only four natural zones in Europe. They are taiga, mixed and deciduous forests, tough evergreen forests and steppes. Because of that a lot of different trees grow and mostly forest animals live there.
Among them you can see brown bears, wolves, lynxes, foxes, squirrels, deer and others.
The population of Europe is 729 million people. The most densely populated territories are Germany and Great Britain. All the territory is divided into four regions.
The countries of NorthEurope are Sweden, Norway, Dania, Finland and Island.
The countries of West Europe are Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, Luxemburg, Vatican, Liechtenstein and Netherlands.
The countries of EastEurope are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albany, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The countries of South Europe are San Marino, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Malta and Monaco.