Reaching for Excellence in Middle and High School Science Teaching Partnership Cooperative Partners Tennessee Department of Education College of Arts and Sciences Center of Excellence in Math and Science Education Local Education Agencies Dr. Jack Rhoton East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Region Served
Reaching for Excellence in Middle and High School Science Partnership Project Goals Provide project participants opportunities to learn advanced science content and standards- based instructional strategies Increase student achievement in middle and high school science Increase the number of middle and high school science teachers participating in content-based professional development East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Impact of Current MSP Projects Trained 107 teachers of 5-12 science Directly impacted approximately 6,000 students Involved over 37 partner schools in the 16 school districts in the UETEC Gains in teacher content knowledge Gains in student achievement ETSU Arts & Sciences faculty visiting schools on a regular basics East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Engagement of Arts & Sciences and College of Education Faculty During the past four years, 9 faculty have been recognized for MSP work. Seven Arts & Sciences faculty have participated each year Five of the faculty in have engaged in MSP academic year follow-up work for more than 100 hours each. Two have engaged in 90 hours each during the past year. East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Student Achievement Elements of Professional Development and Teacher Needs Assessment Instructional Teams Project Director Teacher Knowledge Gain Summer Leadership Institutes Project Management Team Sustained Academic Year Follow-up Teacher Input East Tennessee State University MSP Logic Model
Reaching for Excellence in Middle & High School Science Partnership Project Management Team (Meets four times a year) Central Office Curriculum Directors (with decision making authority) Middle School & High School Principals Six University Science Professors (biology, chemistry, physics) Middle School & High School Teachers Graduate Assistants (working with low achieving students) External Evaluator Project Director East Tennessee State University MSP Project
East Tennessee State University Elements of effective professional development for science teachers Cited by various sourcesETSU Framework and Model Focus on content knowledge, pedagogy and leadership Science institutes for content, pedagogy and leadership Links to high standardsState and national standards Opportunities for teachers to be engaged in leadership roles Teachers as mentors Bringing together various stakeholders Project management team School-based and job embedded School-site professional development Use of data to inform professional development decisions Analysis of student classroom data Monitoring and assessingAssessment each year
Summer Science Leadership Institute The ETSU model makes available summer science leadership institutes for middle and high school science teacher participants. The institutes run for 12 days each summer and are taught by ETSU science faculty and science educators. Institutes focus on both science content (inquiry in science) and inquiry in teaching and learning. Participants engage in a variety of science investigations in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, with topics for investigation driven by the participants, student data, and local and state science standards. East Tennessee State University MSP Project
School-Based and Job Embedded When university faculty make their monthly school site visits during the academic year they gather information from teachers and principles and provide support to participants as they implement the professional development model. During the visits, model lessons are presented. Visits, however, do not provide the continuous networking inherent in the professional development model. The project model gives participants an opportunity to develop a networking force for improving middle and high school science teaching and learning in the participants’ schools. East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Do We Have Any Results? Analysis of data from our current Math Science Partnership program shows 5-12 science students proficiency rising in conjunction with new educational approaches. East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Summer Workshop Pretest and Post-test Results East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Treatment and Control Teacher Knowledge East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Middle School Level East Tennessee State University MSP Project
High School Post-test Biology Gateway Exam 28.6% 71.4% 2% East Tennessee State University MSP Project
What Else are We Learning? Limitation in region’s human capacity to engage in reforming K-12 mathematics & science Essential role of ETSU in reforming K-12 mathematics & science education Important linkage between preservice education and an array of alignment concerns across P-16 Major gaps in the array of tools & instruments for doing the necessary work & assessment of effectiveness East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Challenges, Opportunities & Implications Gain Public Support Develop & train high-quality mathematics & science teaching work force Provide students appropriate opportunities to learn Prepare guidance counselors to provide quality career guidance East Tennessee State University MSP Project
Disclaimer The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in these presentations are not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education".