New England Middle Southern NH Mass. NY R.I Conn Penn N.J MD Del VA N.C. S.C. GA
Piedmont Tidewater Superior Huron Ontario x x x x x x upper Michigan x Boston Saratoga Albany x x Providence x x upper Newport Hartford Michigan NYC x Trenton Erie x Philadelphia Baltimore x x x x Williamsburg Richmond Charlottesville Ohio River Piedmont Tidewater Mississippi River x Charlotte lower x Charles Towne(Charleston) x Savannah New Orleans
Where would we find slaves in N.E.? New England Names of Colonies: New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Types of Settlement Charter, Royal, Self-Governing NH (Mass. Puritans, some dissenters) Mass. (Pilgrims/Puritans – dissenters from Engl. – Mayflower Compact – all agreed to “common consent” – one gov’t to govern them) R.I. – (Roger Williams – dissenter from Boston – Religious Tolerance and Separation of Church and State) Conn. – (Thomas Hooker – Fundamental Orders - a Constitution – est. free consent of the people) Churches Puritan/ Congregational First Jewish Synagogue -Newport (R.I.) *Half-Way Covenant Economy Lumber/Timber *Shipbuilding (how?) *Fishing Trading/Shipping Ports – Boston, Portsmouth, Newport, New Haven * Naval Stores * Rum *Slave Trade Grain/Cattle Furs/Skins –where? Nat’l Origin England Education “Public Education” (why?) “Ivy League” N.H. – Dartmouth Mass – Harvard R.I. – Brown Conn - Yale Labor/ Slavery Where would we find slaves in N.E.? Agriculture Port cities – manufacturing – allowed in a colony?
Literacy high amongst the wealthier/landed Middle Names of Colonies: New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Types of Settlement Charter, Royal, Self-Governing NY – (Dutch-New Amsterdam – Peter Stuyvesant, Gov. Taken by Charles I 1664, named for Duke of York – James, brother of Charles – James II) NJ – (first two separate –East & West Jersey- colonies, united 1702) PA –William Penn est. in 1682 as a refuge for Quakers -land taken from NY as a “gift”(debt owed to Penn was paid) from the Duke of York. Penn paid the Natives well for the land) Del – (Three southern counties of PA, granted separation in 1704 as New Sweden Economy Agriculture – Cattle & Grain Tobacco Furs/Skins Ironworks Trading/Shipping Ports – New York, Philadelphia, & Wilmington DE – southern NJ Shipbuilding Nat’l Origin Holland/ Netherlands England Scotch-Irish Germany France Sweden Education Ivy League NY-Columbia (King’s College) NJ – Princeton PA – Penn Public Education? Literacy high amongst the wealthier/landed Illiteracy high among the servant/working class Labor/ Slavery Head wright System - Indentured Servitude Quakers and Slaves Landed vs. servants See Chesapeake Bay handout Churches Dutch Reformed “Quakers”/Society of “Friends” – the “Inner Light” *Pacifism *Testifying rather than preaching French Huguenot German Reformed (Pennsylvania “Dutch”- deutsch) German Baptist-Mennonite/Amish Anglican Methodist
The “Ivy League” of the American Colonies
Piedmont Tidewater Tidewater
The South Names of Colonies: Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Types of Settlement Charter, Royal, Self-Governing MD – James Calvert-Lord Baltimore, then Maryland (both Henrietta Marie – wife of Charles I and Mary Tudor) Toleration Act allowed Catholics to practice their faith – but Puritans became dominant later) VA – Jamestown – “profit motive” NC & SC – originally Province of Carolina with the southern portion more dominant – separated in 1729 Georgia – est. by James Oglethorpe as a colony for worthy debtors - "Not for ourselves, but for others,"– a social experiment with individuals indentured initially, then, released would have a stake in the colony. Initially slavery was illegal. Churches Anglican Methodist Presbyterian Baptist Roman Catholic Economy Slave –economy Few Ports – Baltimore, Charles Towne, & southern VA, central coastal NC Trading & Shipping Agriculture – Tobacco Rice & Indigo (?) Cattle & Grain Furs & Skins Lumber & Timber Nat’l Origin England * Scotch-Irish Scotland Africa – various “nations” – non Christians could be enslaved. Germany Education William & Mary – a Royal College Public Education? Literacy high amongst the wealthier/landed Illiteracy high among the servant/working class Labor/ Slavery Head wright System – Indentured Servitude Slavery – introduced by Dutch traders. Some of the first black slaves were given their freedom.