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Presentation transcript:

PowerPoint Guidance Layout for title or holding page By Creative Services Text should be ranged left, used in white only and main headings be set in 30 point Arial. Smaller references or subheadings should be set in point, No text should be placed in white background areas and no other organisation logos should be added. Creative Services can assist with requests for partnership presentations, us at Service Improvement Planning in North Lanarkshire Learning & Leisure Services Presentation to Comenius Regio Project Visitors December 2010

Why are we here? Scottish Parliament: Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 – It is “the duty of the authority to secure that the education is directed to the development of the personality, talents, and mental and physical abilities of the child or young person to their fullest potential”. LLS: Raising Achievement for All policy - “people have an unlimited ability to learn” and “our job is to remove the barriers which get in the way of achievement”.

National Concordat Sets out terms of new relationship between the Scottish Government and local government based on mutual respect and partnership Underpins local government funding and increases local government’s share. Aims to provide significant benefits for users of local government services by reducing central government bureaucracy and freeing up local authorities and partners to get on with the job.

Single Outcome Agreement Each authority reached their first single outcome agreement with the Scottish Government in April 2008 based on the set of national outcomes and, under a common framework, local outcomes to take account of local priorities. The SOA covers all local government services and a significant range of responsibilities of Community Planning Partnerships where local authorities have a major part to play. 15 national outcomes and 45 national indicators

Golden Thread Scottish Government Strategic Objectives Wealthier and Fairer / Healthier / Safer and Stronger / Smarter / Greener National Concordat 15 National Outcomes & 45 National Indicators local outcomes and local indicators Single Outcome Agreement with North Lanarkshire Council North Lanarkshire Community Plan and Corporate Plan Priority Themes Health and Wellbeing Environment Lifelong Learning Regeneration Developing the Organisation Learning and Leisure Services (LLS) 14 Service Improvement Priorities

Corporate /Community Plans 2008/ The Corporate and Community plans have 4 priority themes which support the Scottish Government’s Strategic Objectives of wealthier and fairer, healthier, safer and stronger, smarter and greener. The 4 Corporate / Community priority themes have working groups to support them: Health and Wellbeing Environment Regeneration Lifelong Learning

Corporate /Community Plans 2008/ Strategic Measures of Success Health and Wellbeing More people having healthier lifestyles and opportunities resulting in better physical and mental wellbeing and reduced health inequalities Excellent health and care services that are timely, effective and centred around individuals Improved access to good quality and affordable housing in safe and pleasant environments

Corporate /Community Plans 2008/ Strategic Measures of Success Environment People live and work in a natural and built environment which is protected, cared for and enhanced North Lanarkshire is a safe place to be for residents and visitors Reduce our negative impact on the environment through the development of sustainable services and actions

Corporate /Community Plans 2008/ Strategic Measures of Success Regeneration Increasing economic growth by supporting new and existing business and providing appropriate investment opportunities Enhance physical and social networks and infrastructure to support the regeneration of local communities Increase residents’ skills and abilities to take up opportunities within the area

Corporate /Community Plans 2008/ Strategic Measures of Success Lifelong Learning Improving access to quality learning opportunities Raising achievement for all Creating opportunities for all

Learning and Leisure Services Improvement Priorities 2008/ The 14 priorities are a result of consultation with pupils, parents, staff, partners and members of the public. They complement the corporate and community plan priority themes, national priorities and the Scottish Government’s strategic objectives and national concordat

Learning and Leisure Services Improvement Priorities 2008/12-14 Slide 1 To work in partnership to provide better access to learning for all To implement ‘A Curriculum for Excellence’ for all learners, promoting the use of ICT To improve learning pathways to employment To close the attainment gap To promote quality learning to improve outcomes for all learners To develop the ‘Schools and Centres 21’ Estate Management Programme To support staff through high quality, continuous professional development

Learning and Leisure Services Improvement Priorities 2008/ Slide 2 To deliver programmes supporting health, well-being and care To support inclusive practices and positive behaviour strategies To promote parental involvement engaging parents / carers in their children’s learning To enhance quality assurance systems including Best Value, the quality framework, performance monitoring and efficiency requirements To develop and deliver an arts and culture strategy To promote community planning and partnership working to build community capacity To care for our environment

Service Improvement Planning – for 2011/12 What do we do? 1.Each central section, service division identify their 2011/12 outcomes to support the LLS priorities. 2.A) Each school and centre identify their 2011/12 improvement priorities to support the LLS priorities, these link to the NLC Single Outcome Agreement and the corporate/community plan key priority themes. The improvement plan deadline is end of May B) Each department within the school then develops their improvement plan linked to the school’s improvement priorities. This may form the school’s development or operational plan.

NLC Performance Management Framework Progress through the outcomes in the service improvement plan is reported every six months to the LLS Committee, giving reasons for under or over performance. We also report our notable achievements every 6 months. Each Head of Service also has a performance portfolio comprising key service measures, quality indicators and core indicators. These are reported on quarterly and annually to the Chief Executive and to the LLS Committee, giving reasons for under or over performance.

Education Quality and Development Performance Portfolio Selected key service measures: Attainment CSP requests turnaround times Pupil attendance Pupil exclusions Positive inspection reports for schools and early years establishments

Educational Resources Performance Portfolio Selected key service measures: Parent satisfaction with transport for children with Additional Support Needs Good/Very good grading of Public Private Partnership contract delivery from headteachers ICT / technical tasks - % completed within Service Level Agreement specification Headteacher and depute headteacher appointments - number of school days to make appointments

Community Information and Learning Performance Portfolio Selected key service measures: Number of library transactions Schools and community facilities - total number of lets Entertainment performances provided by NLC - % occupancy levels E-information - count of uses Museums Number of school pupil visits as % of total visitors Use of Passport to Leisure at community arts classes Use of Libraries – borrowers as a % of resident population

School / Nursery Improvement Plan Key elements 1.Aspirational vision & values 2.Rationale 3.6 key areas – annually updated 4.Improvement priorities (no more than 5) expressed as outcomes for learners (Evaluative progress of the plan is included in the annual School / Nursery Improvement Reports)

Improvement Planning – the basics Agree on the vision Share an understanding of how good can we be? Recognise success when we see it Use a common language All of the above with: consistency rigour transparency Our professional challenge is to improve all aspects of our work… who for? The children & young people.

Group Tasks 1.The good, the bad and the ugly 2.Measuring up 3.A touch of Blue Peter

The good, the bad and the ugly Complete phase one of School Transport Qualification system Develop 16+ Learning Choices model to guarantee all school leavers have an appropriate offer of learning Extend the principles of Quality Improvement Framework across the whole service Fully implement Curriculum for Excellence across all sectors to ensure better outcomes for all learners a) Identify 2 which are good, 1 which is bad and 1 which is downright ugly and give reasons for your decision. b) Amend the bad and ugly to become outcomes – to show the impact / the why c) Share your findings with the other team(s) d) Feedback – agree how the 4 should look.

Measuring up 1.… 2.… 3.… 4.… a) Look at each and consider what would be the measures of success b) Explain what these would look like so that everyone can recognise them c) Share d) Feedback

A touch of Blue Peter a) Add to your own measures of success for each outcome with relevant evaluative language from the level 5 illustrations for: 8.3 Resource Management (School Transport) 5.3 Improving the quality of services and establishments (QIF) 2.1 Impact on learners (CfE) 5.2 Inclusion, equality and fairness (16+ Learning Choices) b) Share c) Feedback

A big “Thank you!” to everyone for all your hard work now and… later!