ESA Technology Programmes Workshop on Space Technology Management and Innovation German Space Technology Strategy – Management of Innovation Process Uwe Wirt, DLR e.V. Space Management, Technology and Industrial Policy, BONN, GERMANY Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 May 2003 DLR RD-RT U. Wirt
Contents Introduction National Space Strategy Management of Innovation
DLR is Germany’s Aerospace Research Center and National Space Agency. Member of Hermann von Helmholtz- Association of National Research Centres (HGF)
performs basic research develops novel technologies builds and operates large-scale test facilities assumes management tasks trains junior scientists at 31 research institutes and scientific/technical facilities with 4,700 employees. DLR – The German Aerospace Research Centre
Astronautics – Key Areas Radar and optical remote sensing technology Atmospheric physics Data processing and data value adding Telecommunication, navigation and telemedicine Robotics Microgravity research Hot structures and materials Space operations and rocket test stands.
DLR – The National Space Agency Realization and continuation of the German Space Programme, an integrated approach towards: Germany’s ESA-Activities National Programme DLR’s R&D-Programme.
Annual programme expenditures (M€) averaged over the planning period
Contents Introduction National Space Strategy Management of Innovation
The German space technology activities are complementary to the ESA technology programme lines with emphasis on development of basis and cross-sector technologies The German space programme is a harmonized set of ESA-, national and DLR-R&D strategy approaches with the focus on tightening up space related resources on priority projects in selected areas.
I Mapping II Analysis III Consoli- dation IV Harmoni- zation Consolidation of resources, national requirements and priorities Competencies, focal areas, gaps, opportunities National focal areas vs. harmonized ESA-technology plans National position, indicators, gaps, opportunities German Space Technology Master Plan (GSTMP) National R&D I´ Screening & monitoring Who is doing what? Approach Principle
Organisation of the German Space Programme
Main Activities Telecommunications Satellite networks, on-board equipment and antenna technologies, broadband multimedia, optical communications, bus technologies (MEO) Navigation Development of new application fields, GALILEO space and ground segment, end-user equipment Earth Observation Development of TerraSAR-components, next generation SAR demonstrator, high power lasers for atmospheric trace gas measurements, development of next generation meteorological systems, services for GMES
Main Activities (contd.) Space Exploration Astronomy and astrophysics, sun and planetary system, cosmic particles physics, fundamental physics Microgravity Research ´Biological basics´, biotechnology, integrative human physiology, material design, fluid physics/combustion, fundamental physics Space Station Construction, operation and utilization of ISS
Main Activities (contd.) Space Transportation High performance structures, control systems, propulsion, system design (SART) Space Technology Electric propulsion, solar arrays, solar cells, re-entry technologies, robotics
Contents Introduction National Space Strategy Management of Innovation
Innovation Management - The German Aerospace Research Centre Main Objectives Optimum utilization of research services for the economy and society Integration of basic research and application via effective, innovative processes DLR is a research partner for the scientific community and an innovation partner for the economy. Key areas Technology marketing Evaluation and management methods for innovative projects Cooperation based on public-private-partnership Technology transfer Support of related businesses establishments.
Innovation Management - The National Space Agency Key Areas Planning, contracting, management of projects Interface space industry, R&D, science / policy and institutions Boards of experts, round tables, German Space Technology Master Plan, specific measures Technology Transfer (Mediation, FIRST Chance, Synergetic Development). Main Objectives Strengthening the German aerospace industry and its role as an international partner and competitor Improving the quality of research and development and the utilization of their fruits Promoting the translation of technological developments into industrial applications and operational products.
InnoGuide, a management software for the evaluation and coordination of innovations Innovation Management - Examples TerraSAR-X - Public Private Partnership DLR and ASTRIUM: Establishment of a sustainable global EO information service Space technologies for terrestrial markets
ESA Technology Programmes Workshop on Space Technology Management and Innovation German Space Technology Strategy – Management of Innovation Process Uwe Wirt, DLR e.V. Space Management, Technology and Industrial Policy, BONN, GERMANY Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 May 2003 DLR RD-RT U. Wirt